Wednesday, 20 April 2011

my gosh! three months?!?

hahah haven't been blogging for so long already. should write something as an update

been dating a person lately, but got some problems, not sure how to move forward.

at the same time, another said that she got feelings for me (my first time facing this kind of situation). i told her i was seeing someone , which was true.

then... another one also said that she still got feelings for me (crazy right?!? i mean its only me.. x_x).. this one abit difficult cos she is in taiwan. sigh. i said let's see how.. but i know its going to be difficult. have to tell her properly that it is most likely unworkable.

work sucks! i think my team and i will sink.. haha.. or maybe suffocate... sigh.. really la.. just pray everything will go smoothly in sabah.

looking forward to my holidays~~~ * australia / taiwan *

morning power Qs

What are you happy now? I think that having GF is making me happy atm. And being able to do what I want and contribute abit to the company. ...