Tuesday, 3 July 2018


What a weird dream.

I dreamt a mix of things, but there is a life lesson to it. I was getting married to someone, someone that I am OK with, but I do not love. When we are signing the paper, I look at my partner, and I was like.. What? Is her? Why am I marrying her? Oh no, I do not have many things to talk to her. I do not even like her that much. Why did I say yes in the first place, or Why did I make such proposal?!?

I got so freak out from it.And I felt at that time it was too late to say no to the wedding. I was thinking to myself, maybe we can carry on and I can get a divorce later. It is no big deal, quite normal these days. Or don't even need to divorce, just life your own respective life.

And I woke up. I realise, WOW.I am given a second chance. haha. Do not do this. Must blog about it to keep a reminder.

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morning power Qs

What are you happy now? I think that having GF is making me happy atm. And being able to do what I want and contribute abit to the company. ...