Saturday, 26 November 2016


Woke up around 4am. Had a dream about my friends and I, at someone's house,  just chilling, before going back for some treasure hunt in another shopping mall.

I was excited about it and somehow dad was driving the car I am in and I rushed him or doubted, making him angry. I gave some excuses abs apologized.

Anyway,  we were late and there were some couple shots around the mosque.

I also ate like this sandwich which was in a paper bag, on the floor to the left side of a bed I am sleeping on that time. I changed the temperature of the room by one degrees (up)  and the cheese in the sandwich melted. It was provolone and cheddar. As I ate (hungry), some of the fillings dropped onto the floor and I just grab it back up and eat,  no one's looking anyway and I don't really mine. However, I did not eat those which fell onto the dirty part of the floor, which was next to my shoes as well.

I woke up after that, check the time, off the fan and continue sleeping.

Then got this oddest dream ever. I dream that Alicia came to me in a mall and ask to get back together.... O.o she broke up with the Bf because he wanted to work in Taiwan but ended up in China. So it was matter of time (according to her). And are said she missed me (I know this is just a dream but it was so vivid). She was wearing this white dress without glasses. (in the dream I think the vision of her face is way clearer and detailed as compared to what I can try to recall of her face now). Just sooooooo weird. Anyway we went shopping for her pillow.

This second dream really come out of no where... Zzz.

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morning power Qs

What are you happy now? I think that having GF is making me happy atm. And being able to do what I want and contribute abit to the company. ...