Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Nick's treat!

Group pic from Lucky Bo. Nick bought us an expensive dinner (20 pax?) last Saturday. We had wagyu steak, one medium and another medium rare.

I fine the medium rare relative raw, like sashimi, which made it much more delicious to eat, texture wise. The medium one is more chewy, so not that great. But did I enjoy it? I think it was an experience for me, as it was my first time tasting a steak close to the texture of a sashimi. However, later I realise what was missing for me was that it could have been juicier. The texture was good but no juice (maybe cos it is that raw that it does not work that way).

Anyway it was fun! Shame no after-dinner gaming session though. :( was looking for some party games/ spyfall.

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morning power Qs

What are you happy now? I think that having GF is making me happy atm. And being able to do what I want and contribute abit to the company. ...