Monday 29 November 2004


did nothing much today.... but made a Dota quiz.. hahaa

Liverpool won Arsenal. Unbelievable.. Their main duo strikers are out, only left Mellor and Pongolle to count on... and Mellor scored the winning goal!!! Wooo hooooo!!! I hope the lad will get to play more often from now on.. cause as where I can see, he can definitely play better than Pongolle... and do you know whats the other reason we win? TRAORE didnt play!! All well is going to Liverpool's way from now on I hope, but there's still to worry about qualifying the Champions League.. can they do it? Can they nick it away from Olympiakos? Liverpool is a club where they under performed most of the matches and will shocked the football fans when it comes to big games... but I m not.. Its alwys like this. Well, now, they have to get rid of their sluppy performance when it comes to small teams... =)

Xabi Alonso and Steven Gerrard celebrates in the 2-1 win over Arsenal at Anfield

A new Michael Owen ? =0

Sunday 28 November 2004

F4 boy is back lol...

Well.... hehe.. today is the day Daniel comes home from Australia... we all are going to Chow Yang there to 'suprise' him lar.. heheh and see see his ugly cacated face... =)

My day started out as usual, waking up on the sofa, realised that I had done it again. I left the comp on thruout the night, leaving either my frens talking to themselves or entering a DOTA game without playing it... ( this makes my comp so lag.. ) ehhe... boiled herbal tea today a.k.a lor hon kor if u know whats that.. my sis said its the mata kucing, u know? the fruit? Then Kaseong and Henglean came over to drink lorr.. AND Eat my Pringles!!! ARgh!! Kaseong makan finish my two cans adi!!! SNIFFF!! ahahaaa didnt study... damn shit larr.. threee days now and i m sort of worried... well, i think i m worry abt econs and the acc concepts lorr.. others should be okay... ( others = accounting calculations etc ) HL n KS both of them + me, we play the Dota lar.. twice kaseong play twice he win. HL play dunno how many times lar... yet he still remains a loser... hahaaa... Sad.

then today, as u all know by now.. the thing is getting hot... all because of ccw! ANd I wanna say that his Quizes are Rigged!! Dont take! You ll get very low if you are not his girlfriends... Unlike his, mine is much easier, and will make you feel happy that you know me that much.. lol try it. i got two test from , u have to scroll down for the 2nd test in that site... the other site would be -- this is more for my college ppl lar.. hehehe :) i took nick's pessimists' test... OMGGGGG ITS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LAME! i got 0 for it and gawd knows y...

nothing much lar... like abt 10, I drove to Ikano to fetch Daniel's sister Elisa... & omg, I didnt know she is that lame.. (influence from Daniel + Ka Faii)... We waited at the hawker stalls for Dan... then Calvin, Aaron n Peter joined us lorr... b4 we looked outside and saw Daniel~~ haha... Hl n Ks came later.. anyways, sat there and eat and chat forawhile lor.. quite fun~ so next one whos coming back will be -----Karen then kaseong's sis then Christine ... i think... hmmmmm

yeap, thats all...

Thursday 25 November 2004

swedish public toilet

hmmm last night, went out wit hl n ks... funny how things turn out.... at 1st, we wanted to just yumcha... they picked me up.. (hl drive) then we go stop by at HeXiang's house... chit chat larr.. then the journey begins.. hehe.. hl drove us to mont kiara, then to sri hartamas... at sri hartamas, i mislead hl to this place where i thought the coffeebean is at. turns out that the place is the wow wow cafe place.. AFTER That, we finally found the coffeebean.. but instead of stopping there to start drinking, we went off to kl... hl took the road to jalan duta... haha.. we ended up driving to dunno where.. quite stranded, and scary... :( but the funny part was that at the end of the night, we went back to ttdi and yumcha at Penang Mari.. lol.. all the time, abt one hr, the petrol, and the RM2 for penchala link.... we go back to a place just 5mins walk from my house... =)

today, thurs.. i woke up earlier than usual.. didnt really had a goodnite sleep... cos got low fever yesterday night.. thank gawd it dint get any worse... hehee then went to coll.... i thought i wuz late as usual... but then.. today.. Nancy came later than me~~ hehe.. wonder why.. felt so cold in both tutorial and lecture.. sniff.. still sick... then after class, went to hl's house.. play heroes.. haha... quite lame lar... play back 2002 game.. ate mi at his place... quite nice... then after that i sent suejern to her church to drop the pots and then drop her at block e~ after that.. hl came over my house then ks joined us at abt 3+.. they stayed till 7 like dat.. eheh we all played dota.. then compare n contrast.. hehe.. hl alwys say himself very keng very keng.. but more cacat than kaseong lor... hahahaa =)

thennnnnn went to ikano wit Jia Yin.. she looked so diff... hahhhaa =) kinda shocked... ate at the hotdog shop.. then we go walk walk... found out abt this cinema at ikano.. RM6 for old shows lar, every fri n sat.. i wanna watch I Robot.. so who havent watch yet pls tell me.. i want YOU to go with me... =) hehehee... anyways, the fun part wuz walking in ikea wit her.. talked alot on how we going to decorate our future house and all.. b4 we leave ikano, i bought another scented candle... hmmm.. niceeee

this is a swedish public toilet

outside the toilet

inside the toilet... do u dare to use it?

Wednesday 24 November 2004


lemme see what happened... hmm went to parliament yesterday.. really fun... u can see a garden clock right in fron after u past the gate.. then after that we all went inside.. have to go thru security check... b4 we enter the dewan rakyat! hehehe... inside there.. at 1st quite interesting one... but then when the debate started.. it was really boring... started to fall asleep =) hehehe.. the chair was very comfortable! ehehe.. then they ministers.. they r like kids! omg.. its like kids' debate.. and the guy say its diff from uni debate.. lol

after that... went into tutorial class.. din have time to go back to mainblcok to get my books.. learned abt cashflow statements... hehehe

after that.. went to ou.. fetched ming ming along the way there larr... we all eat lunch at the waffle shop..... not tai!! waste of money i thinkk.... yushen yechuin calvin minli hannah kaseong and ming ming me wuz there lar.. we sat awhile talk quite long larr.. then ming ming later brought me to see elaine... hehehe..

then r... kaseong came to my house.. supposed to study, butend up sleeping and eating my pringles.... ZzzZ slept until 8 i think he... i slept for awhile also... then i talked to yee joo abt the langkawi trip lar.. now i hope we can change our hotel to langkasuka.. hehe.. then me n ks go buy ramlee burger eat! yummm!!


today nothing much lar.. lazy to talk

so here are some pics hehee =)

wonder where is meee.... snifff

xmas tree... i helped to deco it

Ching May n Kit Mun


Group Pic

Kit Mun looks vicious


snap shot.. gawd she look so hiao

Where is Joo YEe?

GRoup HuG!

Monday 22 November 2004

LAW-fully over!!!! ... not really...

YAY>>>> after a very hectic weekend... my law assignment is FINISHED! muakss!! wanna say a big BiG BIGGGG T-Q to Christina... cos she spend lotsa time and petrol to help me pinjam two vital ooks for my assignment. NExT is to Henglean... hehe.. well, becos he was using my comp thruout the night, i could stay focus and read my books~ =) hehehe.. then.... my frens who gave me advice on the assignment : Ching May, Yee Li, Kit Mun... but a big hug for Nancy.... for the CTRL ALT F hehehee =) Well, i took four days to finish typing my assignment.. there were too many distractions.. like the TV, the computer.. (Dota & XIII), and of course, the couch... argghh!! hehe without the distractions i would have finished it earlier~~

Anyways... hmm... wat happened during the weekend besides that? NOTHING... well, except on Sat night. Alex YehChuin Kaseong and Nick came over to my house and watch Man U v Charlton... heheh.. wasnt really an exciting game... Nick fell asleep... after that we all went for mamak.. Nick wuz suppposed to stay over to help me do my work.. but he was TOO Tired.. =( anyways.. mamak-ed with ailin, kaseong, yehchuin calvin and christina... hehe.. was kinda fun lar.. even though not really a lot of people... suggested that maybe we should go joggin sometime soon.. and go eat at Swensen... Calvin say go OU's waffle place better than Swensen's earthquake.. so i dunno..

so thats abt it..sunday i stayed home the whole day to finish my assignment.. watched the Hong Kong Movie Odyssey.. awesome show.. talks abt hong kong filmstars and movies... =0 missed Bad Boys 2 and Rabbit Proof Fence.... wanted to watch both the shows badly.... guessed i have to catch it another day.... hehe

well today, woke up early... well, cos i fell asleep last night.. and continue my work.... managed to finished it by 1130.. went for class.... heheh YEE LI got date with Lionel today.. hehee =) then after class i have to stayback for the biz council stuff.. decorate the christmas tree.. heeh.. wuz kinda fun lar.. after that, sat John's car back to main block... hehe... returned books then go buy some food.... Ordered French Fries and Chicken burger... my fond for chicken burger only gets deeper and deeper~ heheh.. i ate the fries in my car... and somehow, after finish eating my meal, i feel more hungry, rather than feeling full... arghh.. then i realised that i didnt eat much yesterday... only 2 cans of pringles~~ =) hhaha

minli they all going out tomoro... i wanna go also, but i got acc replacement cos i m not going for the morning one..... cos i m going to parliament tomoro, aihz... these days want to MiNLi also cannot... ajak her out she also duwan to go... aikz..... sniff

Wednesday 17 November 2004

pics from post-BOTB

well, its been a long day for me... slept late last nite.. wasnt suprised that i woke up late... sniff..
kinda of tired thruout the day.... slept in all the 3 classes... 4 hrs of sleep is just too little!!

after that, when back to mainblock to get the banners and then go back to kpd.... skipped lunch to do the banner.. till abt 215pm. go back mainblock to get my books.. and i have to RUN to catch the bus!! lucky me, the bus driver wuz waiting for me.. unlike the one in the morning.. he saw me.. yet he didnt stop for me.. MEANN!!... neways, i wasnt the only one who wuz tryin to catch the bus.. apparently nancy they all were running from the entrance.. hahaha =) good exercise Kit Mun!! lolx... after that... put my books n bag in the class and run to sri emas to get my fried rice... hehe.. Curi curi makan when the tutor wuz out of the class... and i think almost everyone in the class could smell my fried rice.. kah mun and pooi mun wuz like "eh, what u eating joo yee?" hahaah... after that econs class la.. nth much.. study a bit... b4 i fell asleep, again.. =)

went back to main block alone today... nancy didnt drive.. she wuz sickk... hope she get well soonn! then talked to rachel while waiting for the bus.. what else? nth kua.. came back and start on the banner again till abt 11!! hehheh... and just uploaded the botb pics.. hereee

PJ Nick Aaron

ALvl Student Council President Alex Chan



Christina n Cheng Heng

Alvls ppl - amanda and katherine i thinkkk (or catherine?)

Yeh Chuin n Yee Ket

Min Dee, Calvin and Vanessa

POSERSS!!! hahaa =)

work done!

hmm very long nvr blog adi.. so i highlight wat happened the past few days....

sunday - restarted my tuition classes... but kinda far to catch up.. hopefully can cope la.. then went to kammo's house eat popiah... yum yum! hehe... saw ah theng there.. long time nvr c her adi... then played winning eleven wit couz! beat hon shen 1-0 but lost to hoong peen 1-2 .. sniff

after that, we all went to kao fu's new house up in TTDI hills.. while walking around.. i injured my toe.. it didnt hurt much but it was bleeding... aihzz.. clumsy me.. the house is really big.. but still got lots to do before its done..

after that... ah theng, jojo and honshen came over to my house play gamecube.. played for awhile lar.. kinda fun... hehe... i luv tennis.. trAshed the ow yongs hehe

on monday - washed my car... spend like almost an hour cleaning... under hot sun! almost fainted... hehe i think... my vision that time was like reddish color ( a sign of going to faint) ate chicken rice for the 1st time for quite some time.... then erm... nth much.. played badminton with kaseong nick aaron calvin and christina... hehe

tuesday.. tOday

woke up early.. did some of the law assignment... called hexiang to go out to buy materials for banner... then erm... got banner from melissa's brother... she stay nearby soo ching's house... then went over to jiayin's house to do my banner... after that.. went ou watched movie with alex kaseong nick hexiang aaron yushen and min dee... was kinda feeling 'weird' that min dee wuz there.. vanessa and yehchuin not there marr... wonder who called her.. (i found out it was alex after the show, i think) watched incredibles! MISSED the first 5mins + cos i have to wait for aaron and hexiang *sobbb neyways.. the SHow was good! hehe.. i think its good lar.. but dint laugh that much.. dunno why. wuz kinda pissed still lar when watching the show... after that... ate dinner at mark asam laksa... but NoT ENUFF! bought chicken burger... then while at DQ, bought cone sundae! hehhee.. yummy! reached home, start doing my work..... until like 3am just now...

here is myeffort

hehe... now i m done wit that... i m looking foward to get it done with my law assignment
tomoro, yeeli and chingmay are bringing food to coll!! YUMMY!
hope i can wake up =)

nite nitezz

Saturday 13 November 2004

S.H.E 7th Album EnCore!

nth much happened yesterday.. well, we ( Calvin, ZeXin, Yushen nick and me) visit ccw's mum. webcam-ed with ccw.. saw his sort of quite long hair... and his shades.. hehe.. daniel wuz there too, but sleeping... he was on an anime marathon b4 that.. hehe... after that.. ate butter cake and chat wit aunty lar.. she thought me how to cook chicken... marianate wit 1tsp salt, 2tbsp soy sauce and some mixed herbs.. then shove it into microwave high 10mins, turn it to the skin site, herb it and another 10mins, this time roast.. yeahh.. thats for 1/2 chicken!
sounds ez.. going to try someday

b4 we left, i took 3 stacks of anime from aunty.. hehe... =)

after that.. later at night we ( alex yehchuin aaron christina nick n i ) went to mcd to plan for end yr outing... =) heheh... we decided to go to langkawi lar.. and i m going to call u guys.. and have to confirm by tue.. =) hehhe.. hopefully everything will work well lar..

then came home, start to play wit my new kodak cam.. dad bought it for me for christmas prez! hehe thanks so much!

so today... i went ou twice.. 1st time, watch movie with sooching eeva and elizabeth.. shark tale. it wasnt as good as white chicks... kinda wasting money i think.
2nd time, i went with jiayin yeeket and his fren, yee kai i think, for dinner at monkok char chan teng... b4 dinner i bought S.H.E 7th Album Encore!! muahahahaha

came back... i quickly turn it on and after that took a few pics of it... here it is


Snowball.. i bought this early this yr, at this shopping complex in KL.. with jo jo.. they came for prmo for their 6th album

A hp chain... a file and the cd.. i have posters too but i let jiayin hold on to it for awhile

inside the cd

thats all..

christine came back adi!! hehe... have fun talking to her now.. gawd.. wonder when i m going to start my assignment.. i m so dead

Friday 12 November 2004

post deepavali 04

nothing much happened yesterday... zzz wuz supose to go out for lunch wit minli they all, but cos i think when minli call me that time i wuz in bath room sooo i drink my instant soup again... zzzz i think now i left one packet only... and i really need to buy cartons of milk!! arghh.. its been awhile since i taste milk.. my cereal bfast... goshh.. i miss them soo much~ have to really buy adi

then after the lunch part, ks, alex, nick, aaron and cal came over to play mario party.. wasnt that exciting... dunno why... after that, i played football manager till 6-7... saw nancy online.. chat wit her abt going to National library... but ended up not goin la.. instead, i went out with hl, go shop for games at atria. i bought XIII - its a cartoonish shooting game, graphic is good and the voice of the main star is voice of David Duchovny( X-Files, Evolution) i think thats how u spell his name.. and Rome-Total War - 1 of the high rating game... hl bought axis allies, port royale, and Warhammer 40k-Dawn of War. after that i stayed at hl house for awhile, to see how the Dawn of War is like... borrowed a few law books for my law assignment. went home at abt 11pm..

well... the fun part of buying the game is of coz trying the game... After my bath, I impatiently turned on the comp and slide in the XIII- Disc 1 into my52x cdrom.. Autorun pop-out. Click Install... ----- while waiting for it to install, i chat with Min DEE and d/l the idol videos & some mp3s... after fully installed the game, abt 12am.. without hesistating i copy the crack and start the game... Hoping to test the game for the first time, I got this General Protecting Fault error.. $%#!^%&** !! pissed! check the website.. apparently this prob is a common prob....

what i did next was ---- d/l patch, then d/l crack A, then crack B .... zzzz while d/l i saw this post where they ask the ppl to update the graphic drivers so that the game will workk... I surf to yahoo and look up on Xabre... once i m in the site.. there are many diff versions.. ranging from 3.05 - 3.10... mine is 3.05... not sure that i m suppose to update the version by version ( 3.05 - .06 -.07 ) or i can just go ahead with the 3.10, i picked the safe way...hehe after updating the driver.. The game finally worked!! at this point, its already 230am, and i m really sleepy... but hey! how can i not try the game after all my hard effort?? ... =) played till 4am b4 i crash to my Sofa... hehe..

well.. nth much happened yet too for today... just finished eating 2 slices of cheese and now i m just waiting to go over to aunty's house.. i think now, its me yushen nick calvin and aaron going lar.. hl that ass is in subang till night... zzzzz somemore i asked him yesterday if he can goo..


Thursday 11 November 2004

murni ---> ming tien

ZzzzzZ went for the acc lecture instead of econs.... only me yeeli n yam... zzz well, we did the 2nd q... then after that talk abt acc concepts.. which is the theory part lar.. kinda deep... that point adi dint pay much attention...

class over abt 1130? joined the biz council... changed to the biz tshirt... dunt really like the material... then start to help them out lar.. didnt do much though... helen was like shouting here there to attract ppl.... but it didnt helped as much laaa...... ms photogenic was a-OK success i think... dun really have climax... sooo could have been better lar... after packing the stuffs, i joined my seniors for lunch at sri emas... their fried rice is good! i like lar.. Rm3.50 i think its kinda worth it lor.. but my top choice of food at PBD will be the chap fan, vege only one... healthy and cheap! hehe after that head for my flaw class... i was sort of like thinking where is kitmun nancy n yeeli lar... they shud be here by now... and when they turned up later... yeeli was missing... according to nancy + kitmun, yeeli got to do something very important.. have to rush home... so yahh

after flaw, nth much lar, econs class was so blody cold that i decided to head home after break!! hahaha ohh almost forgot...

during the flaw class, kevin asked nancy abt her dark-skinned fren... quote from nancy "i dont have any indian frens" hehe.. it wasnt really that funny.. but the way she sed it was lar... kevin was actually referring to ching may... Ohhhh two more days.... cant wait... lets go out wit her on sat.. then we can become the 1st ppl she meet.. then maybe we can get some good goodies~

then erm.... go ming tien at nite lor.. suppose to go murni one, but cos at 1st tot a lot of ppl goin... end up calvin, nick, aaron, christina, kethlyn not going... argff! neways, saw yushen and ailin!! been so long since i saw themmmm hehe...neways, ordered kuay kak.... drink share wit jiayin... hehe then talk lorr..

funny parts? taylor students trying to tell jokes!!! hahaha.. ok joke #1 is from hl. he sed that he was in this exam lar.. then the teacher sed 'u give me any question i ll answer it right now' then the students give the teacher the hardest question, cos theres only one hardest question ---- tada!! now... wasnt that funny? if it wasnt.. try this.. from ailin... hehe
#2 taylor students 'jokes' goes like... in moral exam ailin and her frens was like sitting in rows lar.. one sit infront of another... then they all turn back and front to check ans lar.. then the teacher come in and say "the most horrible thing i can do is to cheat during moral exam" ---tada!! dont u think thats funny? well, if u dun.. i think u r from HELP... lol

*the jokes are something like that lar.. dont really remember that well

i guess it was sort of good lar, that got ppl turn up.. but calvin!!! arghh very susah to ajak him out.. anyways... now go yumcha kao tim adi.. have to plan for tomoro exercise day and then watch movie~


btw... angela's blog

Tuesday 9 November 2004


everyone seems to be bloggin these days... hehe, i just found out my fren, HeXiang, blogs too... and i just lURVE what she wrote today "kidna miss goin out wif jy. haha. awwww" hahaha.. =)

nth much, just surff thru most of my frens blogs.. most of them dont blog as often as myself, which i think is better in some ways. but who cares? i blog so that i know what i did last week or two days back... its a way for me to keep hold of the memories... hehe, I enjoy taking photos too! my sis recently blogged hers and sed that she might be givin me her cam... hehe.. but i think its ok lar.. if my I brand ( suxxx ) digicam can be fix, then its ok adi~ hehe, then i can bring it everywhere i go, just like last time.. :)

class starts at 10 tomoro, most of my frens they are planning to go for accs & econs lecture at the same time... wonder why they want to rush/pack their classes like that.. its not like after 12 we dont have anymore classes.... hehe then again, i might be tempted to join them.. hehe...

what else? nothing.. just wanna tell u guys that we are going murni tomoro, WEDNESDAY 930pm!! if really too many ppl and murni cannot fit all of us.. we go ming tien lorr.. then alex will come out... Lol..

so ok, i think i roughly can sketch out what we shud do during the short holidays..
#1 Murni
#2 visit ccw's mum
#3 go chinese class ( for myself )
#4 watch ladder 49 + any other movies ( shark tale)
#5 come my house and exercise... hehehe
#6 go park, and must call ailin!! hehe

thats all right? unless u guys got some other things like.. maybe, eat dinner together? hmm..?
time to plan lorr for our holiday trip... just go HeXiang's grandma's house lar, u wont mind hor? =)) then maybe HeXiang can take us around KL makan larr... hehehe... what else? ermm... go Port Dickson? Gunung Kinabalu <--- expensive but if u guys willing to pay this will be real fun i think ... Taman Negara <--- Ming2 wont go We can go Thailand, right? Phuket!! <-- expensive too....

i think going kedah shud be fun larr.. hehe.. suggestions ??? ohh yes.. Mt Naung in Selangor!! muahahahaa.. of coz, not to 4get Fraser's Hill & Cameron... but sien larr, oh wait, can buy cactus... hehe RM1 per pot i think.. small small one.. and Kedah trip, we can go Bukit Merah!

if all these places not good enuff.. i think the easiest solution is to go Genting lorr... but after like listening to hexiang's stories that day, it kinda freak me out lar.... duwanna go... hehe..

Go KL -> times square the park? then go cyberjaya( i nvr been there b4, sniff) then can go botanical garden & butterfly farm.. lol i dunno lar, but i think KL trip is the easiest lar, and most of u guys can make it.. cos its like nearby + cheap... the thing is where we go? hahaha we can also do stuffs like ice skating, archery ( summit) bowling etcs... together.... heheh the important part of the trip is T-O-G-E-T-H-E-R... i think everyone will have fun lar, no matter where we go, as long as we go in groupp hahahaha~~~~

One more place is Melaka.... go see all the historical places and the park... ? ehe...

hmmm thats all lar... i think... m i suppose to find out the prices of our destinations r? hehe i very lazy to call... ZzzZzz..

haha btw, lobaksoup, my msn is if u wan to add me lerr.. hehe.. u see i so good, mention abt u in my blog.... hahhaa...

badminton.. again..

hmm ... today we all went for the flaw class instead of the usual wed cos tomoro's flaw class has been canceled and going to replace on another day.. so we dunwanna come for the replacement.. therefore we attended the tuesday class... i think everyone was happy n all till the acc tutorial..
most of us dunt know whats the doubtful debt abt.. so everyone like kind of dunno how to ans the qs....

after that, we part ways, lydia go home, kitmun go ou, then nancy yeeli n i go makan.... after that, nancy and i walked back when we saw jeffrey... talked to him for awhile.. then head to our own cars and head home

didnt do much till abt 530.. played badminton with kaseong, yk, christina, aaron, chew.. and amanda + katherine i think... dunno spell it correctly? hahha.. but it was fun.. wanted to go murni but then not many ppl going.. so canceled, now.. planning to go on wed nite.... who wants to go? hhehheh all come k? see u all there...

now i g2g to dota with nick

Monday 8 November 2004

did u know that u shud cut garlic 12mins before cooking it?

so today, i woke up early cos hafta go to college at 10.. met ian on the bus to kpd.. then he n I waited for like almost 45mins b4 melissa came... then discuss abt the charity, which home to go to.. John was particularly interested with the Infant Jesus Christ home.... after that, one of the board commitee, dunno how to write his name, but it pronouce as 'Yong-Ja'. has a 'date' with another girl lar.. and since it was still early.. i tag along with the seniors... ordered chicken burger & double cheese. RM5.25. Melissa gave me her 1/2 mcchicken cos she cant finish it!! What luck !! hahaa.. then did u know? all McD outlets are now serving refills for soft drink. u have to go to the counter and ask for it lar! b4 i leave mcd, saw aaron n chengheng... hehe..

whats next? class! nth interesting abt it.... finish class then we all head down to lvl3 to check our classes for next week... then after that, i stayed at help till 330, chat wit John thruout the time..

then, head back to mainblock, go look for aaron.. saw jolene there too! help him finish his job then we head to his house, grab his stuffs then go over to hexiang's house... and this is like my 1st time in her house since like before i went to LA.... saw aunty with her new hairdo.. looks good! then makan a lot of food... and chat with aunty.. hehhe she thought me a couple of stuffs like.. did u know that the kidney red bean is poisonous if u eat it raw? and that u should cut garlics 12mins b4 u cook it so that its oil will come out... ? ohh yeah.. then saw their new fridge!! heheh very big.... then chat with hexiang on where to go during the hols... ate a few more food b4 i sent aaron home.

whats next? hmm dota... then ate dinner : soup + 3pears then dota
nth much, till i talk to yee joo , the other 1/2 part of myself! haha she got new webcam... took so many pics of herself in diff pose... i particularly like this pic.... it was made for mee!! hahah cos i was like acting angry and alll then she show me this pic and i started laughing !! hahah i drew one back for her.. but not that nice... haha

meet my fren yee joo! anyone interested?

btw, just wanna say sorry to nancy, din mean to talk the way i talked 2 u just now

Sunday 7 November 2004

S.H.E rox~

So what happened today? almost finished my essay, went out wit jy to ss2, bought o2jam cards for fren kafaii. then go ou, teman jy look for job.. walk around parkson.. hehe.. then saw this familiar face.. hehe Siew Wei!! hehe she changed so much since the last time i saw her. sort-of promise that going to eat with her and HioHwi sometime soon.... =)

later in the evening, went for S.H.E concert!!! hahhaa.. it was fun! bought a nasi goreng from 7-11 to fill my stomach b4 we enter the stadium.. not bad the nasi goreng.. neways, bought glow sticks and start 2 q up to enter the stadium... hehhee... the show kicks off with some dancers coming out and then Selina Hebe and Ella coming out one by one, they sang Bo Shi Mao followed by I.O.I.O b4 singing Re Dai Yu Lin, after that, they spoke in some simple malay conversations.. hehe but they speak well..... hehe... they sang abt 24 songs i think.....then midway during the show there is this short interview with david tao, jay, and leehom~ S.H.E also sang their upcoming hit Hou Niao... =) It was so fun! I sang to each of their song... hehe at least those that i know larr hhaha.... couldnt see their face clearly from where we sat, but it was good enuff for me... at the end of the show, there were fireworks and they end it with Superstar! it end abt 11, kinda sad it end so early...

after that, i sent jy home and joined frens at botb.. saw vanessa after like months the last time we met! hehhehe she still look the old she~ then all of us went out for mamak... and in car, vanessa told me something which i m wondering why everyone, well at least most that know abt it, is talking abt it! met mindy i think thats her name... friendly i suppose, funny but can be scary.. hehe... took some pics then sat for awhile and chitchat.... pojoo, chengheng, aaron, alex, yehchuin, mindy, vanessa, jooyee, yeeket, amanda n her fren, christina, calvin. kaseong wasnt there cos he went home early.. =( hehhe... well thats all for now.. actually wanted to write more on s.h.e concert.. but no mood....

sleepy adi

Thursday 4 November 2004

happy rainy day

omg, really scared of bloggin adi... i wrote so blody long and shits happens.. partly cos of aaron!!

argh.. so noo mood~!
morning wake up, go coll, saw alex, then dunno wat to do, cos havent time to go in yet, decided to go into the bus, but i dint go down at kpd, instead, i go back to mainblock... lol, napped there for awhile, when i wake up, eveyrone started to register adi.. then at this time, the 1st fren i saw, lydia~ haha.... she asked me to q up for my seat, i got 060 ..hers like 100 i think .... anways after that frenz all started to come... saw christina, francine (and her fren melissa) and nameeta!! then next wuz bday boy aarontan ( 001) chengheng and yeeket.. alex was busy walking here there settling stuffs i think... then we all sat down with lydia and her fren trisha i think... started to listen to their mand conversation

what happened next wuz that i started like move here and there wit eeling kitmun they all then go talk wit aaron they all... after not long we all headed into the conference hall and our suppose fixed seatings... however, kitmun ended up sitting wit me, so was chingmay~ hehe that time we realise that aivee was sitting infront of us.. then teeyen & puimun came down and joined us.. hehe then besides that, when i looked up i saw ks, which means that calvin was there too.. hehe i looked infront, i saw him.. hehe somehow u can recognize calvin from his back lar.. his shape.. heh:) then after not long of sitting down there,... we were called to make a queue outside lar... where i was standing, i was nearby jiehan, christina, darrell and then on the other side kitmun wuz busy talking to her exclassmate ( a girl which ching may quote " too tall for u") heheh dun caree!! then ks came by to chit chat for awhile.. cheng heng was like a 'maid', carrying stuffs for ppl all around~~!! hehhe i think we all like waited outside for like 20mins! btw, saw sarah teo chatting with christina hehee :)

soo when the thing finally starts.. i think everyone was rushing to finish it asap! hehe.. 1st one to be called, AARON TAN! hehe.... then soon 1 by 1 go in, shake hand, take cert then go out.. hehe after my turn wuz over, i hang with the guys for awhile before going out to take bags for yk and aaron ( they and the girls left the bags in my car) then came back, take photo group!! FUNN! feels just like when we were in high sch.. all the DU-ians~! hehe.. everyone wuz there~~! then we all go up to the registry, there, calvin & co. did the awareness quiz thing so that they stand a chance to win a Rm50 simpack~ hehe.. after that we headed to ali maju!! saw yeeli, nancy and leong wee over there... their food and drinks were like all finished adi.. they are waiting for ppl. KITMUN!! hahah quite sad see them wait so long cos they were like in the main block even b4 the event started~!!! neways, i ordered nasi ayam & milo ice.. hhehe.. wanted to ask aaron to cut cake to eat together one, but so small!!! hehhe.. saw natalie and amanda~ .. not long after that me and alex ciao 1st... before that we all decided to go chillies tonite to celebrate aarons bday lar~

so heheh while on the way back, saw kitmun & lydia, i suppose they were like busy taking pics~~ so that they can be inside the "best academic students' album".... how freaky.... hehehe... dunt care lar... cos i did take pic as well, i dint know that i was suppose to stand still for like one two min... ish ish.. later after that we three parted... i went back to kpd, kitmun joined nancy n frens while lydia followed her parents.. i think her sister looks very pretty~~ ehehehe :p F3? F4? looks very tall too~~

neways.. headed back to kpd... in the bus... i realised that i m suppose to buy parking ticket, but i m sooo lazy to go down just to buy.. lol, besides, i have 10+ tickets, should be enuff lar, or else get from chew or calvin. hehe... well, i attended the biz concil meeting... hehe quite intresting actually.. maybe cos there werent really alot of members attended the meeting, so i felt more comfortable and was giving enuff attention ler.. heheh they elected me as the Vice Treasurer.. ithink my treasurer's name is Hooi yen i think.. not sure.. must check again.. but anyways, the Biz council are having really lotsa fun activites on da way lar... so u guys must keep reading the board k? :) heheh neways, melissa asked me to dance with the 2 other guys, but i doubt i m going to do it lar.. no shape yet.. hehe :)

i stayed there till abt 2.30+. the ppl there are really nice,... well, they did try to make me feel comfortable and easy lor... thats something i like... hehe ;) neways, i tot i wuz late for class when i saw ching may just reached as well.. we went into class together... i think i took a nap in class... hehe...the tutor wuz talking abt Stature Interpretation.. and using this gurl named Natalie as an example... i think shes pretty!! :) hahahah neways after that...we went for econs class.. nth much abt it, except all of us were playing with the mamee stickers, stick here and there!! hhehee i did a prank on william, put the sticker on the chair and he sat on it.. he wasnt really happy abt it.. threw my cap all the way the other end... soo pissed.... but aihs, what u expect? what else? NANCY FINALLY GOT A RULER!! hahaha =) wonder how long since she last had one... hehehe

after class, me n nancy walked back again.. hehe we chat as usual lor... but cant talk much abt it.. nancy dun like~~ lol

So.. well, after that, received msg from christina. sed go pizza hut at 7 in ou... i was like hmmm go straight oni larr!! heheh, but in the end didnt lar.. cos felt bad.. thought maybe shud change 1st so look better... b4 i go ou after i changed my shirt.. i pump my car tire... these days i m really worried abt tires.. dunt feel right... =) so anyways i reached ou abt 650+.. wait n wait while readin newspaper till abt 730 but no was there yet!! ishhh!! finally christina gave me a miss call i walk pass the elevator and saw them coming up... after that alex joined us and we all went in... then makan larr. hhehe 2 meal 2... i know 3 of the pizzas... Thai, Super Supreme and Pepporoni delight.. YK, Ks and chengheng joined us later but nick ended up not coming larr!! heheh talked lot lor during dinner.. hhehe... FUN dinner...

after that they all came to my house.. and my gawd.. this was like the funniest mario party i ever seen lar~!! esp aaron.. hehhe i think like 2-3 times he can get the star adi, but cos of 1) he rolled One and he flew off to another place. 2) Bowser took 20golds from each person 3) played battle mini games, twice i think hehehe~!! 4) bowser minigame!!
hahaha... i think everyone had fun... Cheng Heng said "if everyweek come here and play, we will have negative blood pressure" my gawd... seriously Aaron was like soo funny.... among all the fruits he can pick he want to pick banana.. god knows why... i laugh so bad that my heart was like aching and i wuz crying... lol.. then u see christina play also very funny...esp the Dungeon Duos.. My gawd.. she cant jump right... hahah~~ funny lar everyone

hehe.. this sums up my day.. all i can say is that it rained almost the whole day... but it was an almost complete day for me.. =)

I LOVE THIS NOVEMBER 3rd 2004~! =)

Tuesday 2 November 2004

badminton for the 2nd time in threedays~

hmm.. dont feel like writing, just wanna keep it to myself...
so morning..... attended the gooi's lecture, wuz late, so dint sit wit the gurls till like the 5minbreak.. well, studied finished the chap6 and start doing the exercises. managed to finish all of it on time lar.. .

watching apprentice now... ishh.. i hate TV3!!! why they showed it on sunday?!?!? blody crap... i m outdated~~ ahaha :P hehheh well, they just finished the auction... i think the Queer Eye casts and Carson Daly should be the one that really popular.. well, maybe cos thats the only both start that i know! :P

anyways, after acc, we were abt to go bck when kitmun sed that got replacement class 4 econs... asked nancy they all to come down from the bus but they sed they ll just go back to main block makan then onli come back... meanwhile, chingmay went home so it was only me n kitmun... just hang out lorr, talk awhilee... then ordered chicken burger thru Nancy~ lol... those who still havent try it yet... well, u r missing on a burger that can compete wit ramlee burger larr.. cos both also Rm2.5 thereabts.... but McD got tax... so erm.. as we waited for the class to start, there were students inside and i asked them if its econs replacement by mR nG.. they sed YES, it is replacement, but DR LIM!! at that point.. i was like badd baddd baddddd! me n kitmun walked down and checked the board.. yes, its T3, but this girl Chee Ying i think... she sed that the T3 its for the new students , not for us... so i was like STUPID STUPID ppl from Office~!!! dumbbbbbbb who will be so dumb to do that?!? CONFUSED!... well, in the end, me n kitmun go bck to main block to claim our burgers~ after that i had my 1st taste of foosball.. wasnt really good wit it... but scored one... lol saw Golda there tooo... skipped class to do assignment...

erm.. what else? after foosball walked back to carpark.. hehe then talk abt nancy n i should exchange gender... lol.. then ran out to the rain.. can hear nancy n kitmun laughing.. must be my runs~ then drove car to entrance, fetched them, drop nancy at her car.. then go dropp kitmun at her house~

on way back, recalled that supposed to buy o2jam cards, stopby, but no stock... feell badd..
go back then play comp for awhile b4 playing badminton with Aaron Yeeket christina, chew and kaseong... hehhe end of playing see who made most mistake cos we had too many pplayers!!! llol. it was tiring but burn fat! hehehe good enuff for me... g2g.... tomoro got big day! hehe

Monday 1 November 2004

Out to OU, wit Jia Yin & Ming2

soo the day begins at abt 9am, woke up to the show of Oprah.. .then moved to the comp and started to DOTA till abt sch time, chat with Christine 4 awhile...

in coll.. din really pay attention to Dr Lim, and others wuz very busy discussing the assignment, esp Yee Li. She's really worried, well, at least she sounds like that.. anyways, during the interval, me leong wee, lydia and lionel walk across kpd to this mini small place to feed our stomach. Without hesitating, we find a table and i quickly ordered the economyrice, cost abt Rm3.9 for a fish and some vege.. the vege was good, but its too pricy for the food.. After i finished wit my food, Lydia and Leong Wee stil havent even got their lunch~ hehe.. well, when they got it, i think its worth the waiting... the fried rice looks really good, for Rm3.8, u get a big plate of rice, with ikan bilis, sliced sausages, and someother stuffs... I wouldnt recommend this place to ppl cos its really Unhygienic... there are flies all over, and the worse part is that the chillis, they dont cover it... so all the flies 'hinggap' inside the bowl of chillies... and ppl still eat it!~! OMGGGGGGGG thiss suxx~!

well, by the time we go back to kpd, the class was over. now, i followed nancy and yeeli for lunch... they went to the magazine restaurant... lionel once gain join us to chitchat... it was raining heavily at that time... hehe.. the cashier didnt take down nancy's order, lol, she waited for like 15mins b4 asking the guy.. and the guy said he forgot to write it down.. HOW LAME? BAD SERVICE lerr... then after that everyone parted... though at 1st they wanted to hangout at HMC, esp Nancy i think~ :) In the end, i walked back to the carpack wit nancy.. its still rainin, but aint that heavy no more... Along the corridor Jolene wuz sitting down on a bench and she called me.. haha.. long time no see Jolene~ hhehe introed Jolene 2 Nancy n viceversa... hehe.. she suggested that i should drive my car to the entrance to fetch Nancy to her car.. lol.. I told nancy that her jersey should be water-proof.. if like there is water dripping onto her shirt, i sed that it would just flow all the way down...hahah... then she asked me What sort of girl does a guy like? hmm how to tell? i donno... i told her that diff guy likes diff sortof gurl... yah... haha.. So erm.. bad part was that when we walked out, apparently my theory on the jersey being water proof was wrong.. hmm.. hahaha... then kinda funny lar.. she talked abt how guys act around gurls... etcs.. =) nancy drives really fast ..... everytime, when i gotinto my car, she's like ZOooM.... shes out of the HELP parkind already... :)

that only sums up the part 1.... hehe.. part 2 was going to ou to meet Jia Yin and Ming2. i told them to meet at DQ julius.. hehhe and as they abt to reach, JY saw me and i asked to SSSHH.. hehe... then I came from the back and scare MingMing~~ hehehe.. thats me~ hehe... so long nvr kacau Ming2, wonder if she misses mee~ anyways, Jia Yin, the pretty girl, spent us Julius Creation.. hehe.. THANK YOU! haha then they bought a shirt for khye vee's bday, i shared.. at this point, nick joined us adi... hahha... well, thruout the day, i wuz kinda crazy... hehe. like wat jiayin said, i dint take my pills~~ lol... Then JiaYin erm.. intro her frenz to us... I remember their names! Amanda, Xiao Yun, and Sue Peng~! Two of them from Kedah and one from perak~!! hahah we shopped together.. well, they shop lar, then we just walk behind them... Nick was like Dota dota bla bla bla dota dota bla bla bla ownage... bla blabla .. noobs... hahahaa! :P

hehe after not long, they decided to split up, Jiayin and ming2 wanted togo to Romp while Her frens want to go PDI.. I at 1st volunteered to take the UITM gurls, but as soon as Nick said " i go with you" then I said "OH U gO LAR I Teman Ming2 & Jiayin" hehhee.. Sorry Nick~ hehe :P so shopp with JiaYin n ming2... they sed that my taste gone real bad... hahaha must be cos long time nvr go shop adi... JY wanted to buy skirt one, but kenot find any, so in the end we bought another bday prsent for her, ermm Eyeliner~from SASA.. hehe then erm... in the end, we like abt to go back lar, waiting for nick, then i wanted to send them back to UITM... hehe JY say if mum let then OK. ( but too bad, in the end her mum fetch ) so made a few frenz today.. haha i pity JiaYin havin fren like mee.... embarrass her in front of her frens.. lol but the whole part of going ou really turn out to be GREAT!! Brings back all the memories actually.... Ming Ming said that she dun mind going Gunungs and islands but NOT Myhouse, or Taman Negara... lol

hehe.. then on my way back, me n nick were talking abt dota.. then remembered how cheapshit ChenChou played.. hehe his Fav Char? Conjurer and Zeus.. NOTICE: he only use Zeus Keng because of CCW.. cos CCW sat next to him and ask him to use his ultimate... hehe.. then Conjurer his fav.. alwys cast that Rock Golem and pHoenix go chase us away~~~ hahaa then he also like to use Panda!! use ultimate then use one of the 3 to runaway.... hahaha

Ccw's would be the Necrolic i think... Nick's Crystal Maiden & Sven... then KS got one time use shadow shaman like crap, cos Shaman was like imba~
hehe i know Chew's fav char is either Clinkz or Drow... hehe.. own like crap last time... but now.. aihhh~~ hehehe...
mine wuz SKele king and Faceless void... i think~~ :P oh of coz, LUNA!! hahaha pawn crap!

June already

Recap of April and May APRIL  went out often with Yen Wei. It's unfortunate that things didn't work out  travelled to Yunnan: sight ...