Sunday 25 November 2007

great nights, dull weekend

hmm had two fantastic evenings during the week, one was the RB handover and the other was our last EB get together as a whole outing.

RB Handover
It was on Thursday evening at King's Head, which according to friends, think it was Godwin, that this is where u can get kangaroo steak. I haven't had one yet so it was a good time to give it a go. However, on the day itself, I realised that the event was meant only for drinks and cocktails, dinner is at an earlier time. I decided to then make some dinner of my own, which was really.. 'innovative'. Lemme c, I fried scramble eggs with cheese, with tomato and lettuce, and i mixed them with cut toast.

Neways, I had a great time talking with people there. A lot of people were commenting on my hair... (i gelled, which was something i haven't do since I came back) This was the first time I meet up with Andrea & Godwin for quite awhile. The last time it was dinner at the Thai restaurant, sometime in Oct.

After all the chatting n stuff, I walked to the bus stop which Sui. I had a great time talking to her. I feel really bad that I did not get to know her when I could before. :( She's this really interesting person, she's like one of those people that has the Western attitude but still able to keep her Asian look. lol..

EB outing
We went to this restaurant SaulDelChin i think... its owned by one of the economics lecturer frm my uni. The place is really awesome. The decorations, the music makes the whole environment a perfect place to have drinks and chat with friends. I think that this is the kind of place that people should go out to, not to pubs where all you can hear is the 'background' music and shout to converse with friends next to you (which is what i feel later at Karo's farewell, the place was so packed). Katherine intro us to this Artisan tea that the tea leaf itself will bloom into a flower once its in the boiling water. I ordered that with Robbie, along wit some dim sum.. lol.. I think this is the first time i had dim sum for dinner since the last time I went out to the Fatt Kee in Taman Mayang at night with family. That was like ages back, but its still on my mind cos its just one of those weird thing happened in your life... dim sum for dinner... lol

The wine that Simon got was really good. Its the first wine that I actually like the taste. It doesnt have the dry rough after taste. Really smooth.

other things that have happened

sis and family is back.... which is good la, that I at least have someone at home with me.. :)

I tripped over sis's luggage two nights ago... i cut my left palm and bruised my right hand.... the cut couldnt stop bleeding had the apply pressure constantly fr like the first 10 mins... At the moment, I am trying not to stretch/open my left hand too wide as it my reopen the wound.
I bruised my right arm. I don't know how did it get to this state. Actually, i dont know how both my hands end of the way they are.. It was just a common tripover by me.. lol.. But yeah.. this bruised got swollen right away after the fall.. When I look at it, I can see theres the yellowy cells (platlet i think) grouping over there... I think Its where the veins are, so perhaps the knock hit the blood cells, causing them to clot over there. :S never want to see this again.. hopefully there aint no scar..

1 comment:

wHOisBaBy said...

be more careful next time. so big aready still not watch where you walking.

June already

Recap of April and May APRIL  went out often with Yen Wei. It's unfortunate that things didn't work out  travelled to Yunnan: sight ...