FOOTIE! lol.... Liverpool lost, but the scoreline means we are still pretty much in it. Red carded, 2 away goals given away, Chelsea got lots to do at Nou Camp to overcome Barcelona.
Anyways... MUs, hope u all can winn ur only cup la.. :) Good lucks
Hl birthday just passed... lol.. I HEARD that the party made catherine waited for an hour due to the 'delay'... lol
here is a photo of me.. at the bus stop LOL

Well.. i m eating home cook meal most the time here.. i think
but the Hungry Jacks a.k.a Burger King's burger really good, and filling heheexpensive it is... however the cone is cheaper here.. 30c = abt less than RM1
Other than that, whats new r? Well... hmmm going look for job soon, but not so soon.. maybe some job in uni hopefully. ARr.. joined AIESEC.. some international student org.. heard its pretty good and builds skills... which I need like public speaking.. hehe
thats all for now ler... haihz... still sort of friendless.. i met a few ppl la.. most of them from china.. x.x... hehe
Oh, I might be going to Queensland Ching! I think, cos the AIESEC thingy, they got conference there if I m not wrong.. Lydia join then we can meet there? lOlx
hmm Kit Mun -> Try these band call Rogue Traders ... or Veronicas? have u heard of them before? hehe
omg!! they play veronicas so damn often here... so sick of them dy!!
haha.. yea.. they play it quite often on the radio here too.. they are okay.. more to pop rock..
Rogue traders.. haven't heard of them till u told me.. checked them out.. the lead singer like quite old lar.. haha
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