Tuesday, 10 December 2019

Homo Deus

Chapter 1
The book begins by talking abt the change in how we approach famine, plague & war since the early civilisation (it is becoming lesser of a problem as we advance our civilisation with technology & improvements. People are less likely to starve to death than overeating .

Whereas many people died due to plague in the past, the number of deaths have been reducing as we progress forward. From millions (Black Death 1330s) down to tens of thousands (Ebola 2014). Wars is now rarer than ever and most countries will put war as a last option. Countries benefit more from trading with their competitors than waging war with them.

Now with our tech advancements, we are looking to prolong life, or even live on forever. And if this does come true, it may affect our marriage (will "till death do us apart" still applies?), our career (changing career in your 50s may not be deem "too late" anymore)

Right to happiness
How should we measure a successful life/country? By income/GDP or by happiness/GDH?
Should we consume drugs in order to stay happy? What if once we gain our happiness, in order to achieve the similar feelings, we need to strive for the experience again (promotion, falling in love)?

To attain real happiness, humans need to slow down the pursuit of pleasant sensations, not to accelerate it.

Be a better human version, by biological engineering, non-organic & cyborg.
Biological is done by doing the rewiring of the DNA etc, cyborg is attaching a bionic attachment onto a human.

And if everyone in the near future is making biological improvement to their babies, would you? If you do not, then your kid may be left behind in class / work.

Lawns are a sign of your wealth (That is the history of lawns). If you are rich, you can afford to maintain a luscious garden.


I didnt write it after that.. :D
just gonna post this out

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morning power Qs

What are you happy now? I think that having GF is making me happy atm. And being able to do what I want and contribute abit to the company. ...