ok... recap 1st on what happend on 24th ----->
24th morning -> fetch Christine, PeiFern, Catherine to MV to watch shutter... woke up @ 8am for 11am show! crazy~ got there abt 10+ q up... called amanda. realised that she is in KL, but not KL KL, its On the way to KL.. ZzzZ! haha =) bought tickets then go makan at Food Court. only me and catherine ate. I ordered char kuey teow while cat ordered some hot drink and economy rice.. her dishes so little!! the guy must be cheating her la.. quite sad lo~!! hehe.. but anyways, after we finish eating Amanda called us to tell us she is reached adi.... hehe so we went and watch SHUTTER!! the movie was good.. Christine and Cat was funny heheh :) the movie ended abt 1230.. amanda and cat went to look for sheryl while christine pf n i went to carrefour to buy groceries with christine... after that we parted.. amanda n cat followed sheryl back to her house while i sent pf n chris back home...
nothing much.. i was chatting till 530.. I went over to Christine's house for awhile with HengLean.. i 1 2 comment that Christine's Brownies r 9/10!! hahah ITS SOOO GOOOOD! i LOVE them soo much! should have brought my camera down to take pics!! :) hehee... got other food too.. the dipping for the snacks was awesome!! :) hehe.. christine then asked us to do a start shaped deco for their xmas tree.. ~~ hehe..
@ abt 630 went over cal house.. wrap present, wait for ks's car then off we go~~ hehe.. the destination is somewhere near sultan abdul samad high sch. hehe.. at 1st when we reach there.. we got nth much to do just hang out and talk among ourselves... this was the 1st time i met wern hui hehe.. she's so quiet.. and henglean was really funny!! he was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo shy to talk to her! dunno why though... hehe.. then the feast started.. i ate 2 piece of pizza, one piece of chicken, then a few other munchies.. =D hehe.. it was not long after that the group got to know Joshua... Calvin's duplicate.. haha :) ever since then the laughter nvr stops! hehe we played a few icebreakerz .. 1st was passing the candle.. while u hold the candle.. u must tell things abt urself.. and if the candle light is out while u r holding it, u must tell a bit more of urself.. hhaha... it was fun that i blew minli's and joshua's light off.. hahaha :) then was a group game.. two opposing teams are supposed to lead their blind folded fren to the 'treasure' .. after was the one ringgit and 50c game.. hehe.. Guys are worth Rm1 and girls are worth Rm.50.. dont ask me why.. its just the way it is!! =D heheh then u r suppose to make a group consisting the amount that the officiator said.. hhee =)
here are some of the pics
yeah.. then after that Caleb testify his sotry on how God Blessed his life.. and then he blessed ks, minli n I hehee.. :) they had a short sketch before that.. hhaha. after all this, its abt 1045.. and its time to receive our gifts!! :) i picked 14 specifically cos its my fav number.. and guess wat? haha. i got Joshua's present.. which i opened later that night.. and i like it a lot.. thanks joshua!
okay.. the night didnt ended just like that! we all wanted to go pg nasi kandar.. i went and fetch amanda all the way to her place T_T hehe.. but nvm la... see AManda merr.. :P hehe ... then after that we all go pg nasi kandar.. They are not that~~~!!! frust! they went to ks house instead.. haha.. so we went there.. sing karaoke for awhile till abt 230am like dat i sent amanda home. =) after that i drove home and sleep.. hehehe =)
as for christmas day... my day started with going out with dad for lunch with his cell group @ sunway damanara there abts. hehe.. sang a few songs ate my lunch b4 i leave dad.. hehe meet up with sheryl stayed with her till abt 5+ then we go fetch catherine.. we went to eat @ alimaju.. hehe.. funny part today was that cat was soooooo into the indian movie.. she watched only 10mins of the show but she already can tell us the whole story.. hehe =) today she dint eat a lot of dahl.. only 2 bowls =( maybe cos her appetite for dahl today not that good.. and that she sed the food she ordered sucks.. :( pity her.. neways, we went over to ks house abt 630.. i had to go bck to get my memory card.. cos no more space adi
neways, reached bck @ ks house abt 730 i think... duno.. in car i opened sheryl's present.. THANKS!! i like it a lot! =) hehe that time i reached ks house a lot of them there adi, i helped out in preparing the sates.. hehhe the bad part wAS THAT i dint even eat one stick.. Snifff sniff.. dunon y.. hehehe.. then abt another 10-15 mins the bbq began.. hehe.. tried to cook fo ks's mum but tak jadi.. not good enuff.. sadd!! :( hehe.. take photos, chit chat.. till abt 1030 i fetch amanda over.. reach abt 1130 like dat.. dint stay for long then ciao adi hehe =) nth much to tell.. cos it was mainly chatting and karaoke-ing.. hehhe.. when i came back.. all of them are in the room trying to become supper star!! =)
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