lets start with tuesday. tuesday is the day that finally ended my period of No sitting in Nancy's car. hehez =) she drove me to Ou.. cos she wanted to buy her Healing Hands vcd. Lydia, nothing else to do, followed. after our lunch @ ali maju where we got served by a waiter as blur as yeeli.. we move to one utama.. her driving is extremely safe i think... very steady n focus~ haha.. she still got her hot hairstyle on... hhahaa.. ohh, hot is not the word, I m Crazy. anyways... I donno why but again I meet a lot of frens, just like the last time we were here after our midterm. i met pojoo n kevin n another fren, yeeket n yee kai ( spell correctly or not i m not sure, sorry ) visiting yee tyan, saw joseph ( ah leng's bf ) , and another guy/gurl i think but couldnt recall noww....... nancy scolded me cos i bring bad luck to her. 1) she could have bought a cheaper Healing Hands vcd @ tower records. 2) she saw the cd she wants a lot but cant buy.. :( anywayz.. after that i went home try out my o2jam.. hahaa.... i m very frust now cos i just realised that i m supposed to do package... :( kena tipu.. ccw dint say anything abt package.. RM10 down the drain.. lucky got another Rm10 card... ks wants me to pay him back.. aihz.... i m so joyless these days.. :( so tried the o2jam.. fun ! haha.. but still missing some skillz i used to have. now got extra new stuffs in game... but no $$ to buy. T_T anywayz, after that i dressed up to go for my cousin's wedding dinner @ tropicana..
the dinner wuz great! but i m not gonna post any photos here cos my camera took ugly pics.. :( sad to say my camera needs the photographer to hold the camera very still while taking pics.. most of them who used it dont know.. :( but who cares? lifes like that.. anyways, Jaffre and his fiance look so happy hehee.. :) and Carmen is geting married soon too!! :) cheers~ haha.. everyone wuz there la... kaima 2yee 3yee and their families... the dinner ended abt 1030, i reached home abt 11. I didnt regret not going to the dinner, just that I wished that I could have went for the Kungfu hustle premiere.. oh well.. Calvin shake Stephen Chow's hand.. haha :) happy happy.... All well ends well! shouldnt be too bump over something too small.. Hl Woon, Chew CAlvin n ks came over my house later that night.. plyed smash bros. haha after that.. they went home, i decided to stay up with cat... after all, sheryl did it for me, and i got nth else to do.. so what the hey? hehe.. played o2jam here n there thruout the nite. talked to yee joo.... quite fun chat and of coz cat. catherine kept asking me to sleep and sed that i m stubborn.. i think i m.. haha well, i managed to stay awake till ab 530.. then i made a mistake, i rested on the sofa... hahha... next thing i know, its 8am... =) go turn on the msn.. hmmm AHh! Yee Joo just woke up! lolx.. sleep abt same time wake up abt same time too~! +)
went for the earlier econs lecture, wuz late for class cos i tried to bring something for nancy to eat but ended up dirtying her car.. SORRY! Dr Lim gave tips for the econs final exam. mann shitt.. i got flemm.. aha =( during the class.. my frens wrote a poetrry abt me... SO COOOL!! yee li wrote most of it.. i going to post it in my next post... so i just gonna crap all 1st okay? hehee.. so after econs we ALl went to mv.. unable to decide, the girls were walking back n forth.. haha.. finally picked burger king T_T my $$ got wings these days... haha.. on the way back to Help big traffic @ bangsar... Nancy took Kerinchi toll... 1st time i use Kerinchi toll to go to PBD from mv. hahha Nancy wuz telling us abt the hidden road traps and all .... i nvr kena b4 but i should try to see next time... haha =) @ mv, i 4got to tell u guys, Nancy read SEVENTEEN.. heheh :) well i thin most of you who read my blogs Dont know nancy or those who know wuz there.. hahha =)
anywayz, went back for tutorial 4 Flaw.. give lotsa tips, but i havent start my study.. sniff sniff reached home abt 4.. crash to my fav couch and sleep sleep sleep..... ----> till abt 6 go play o2jam, chat, watch tv ---> 830+ went to kammo's house to see kaima... she wuz busy watching Eternal Happiness so cant talk to her.. hehe 10---> sent ah swan che che home.. heheh after that i went ming tien to meet with kaseong they all, i dont have the intention to at the 1st place... but what the hey... maybe it can be fun?! and my decision was paid with seeing Michelle!! My gawwd... miss her soo much~~!! i think she looks real good nw, i m not sure if she gain wweight or not, but i think she looks better... serious!! =) ahha.. ordered super spicy sausage for the newcomers to try, but everyone passed!!! He xiang even sed its NICE?!? haha calvin, i think u need to find something better to play with laa... super spicy sausages are yesterday's game.. WE PLAY WASABI next time!~!!! hahaha =) so fun fun... talked to vanessa.. aaaaa she alwys pushing me to think abt things i dont really wanna think... aaa.. wonder wonderrr most of them came over my house after that, play o2jam and of cos smash bro... after they leave. i dint even bother to off comp, i slept again... =)
thats all
waiting for you... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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