Monday, 20 December 2004

friends =)

FRIENDS. I know that I have a really wonderful bunch of friends . What can I say? They can actually stand having a friend like me T_T I know I alwys make them mad, pissed them off and irritate them like crap.. and most of the times I went Over when I can stop myself from going there.. I don't really know how, but they can be so forgiving... esp to me. over n over again... I am sorry~! Somehow I m bad at making myself look sincere when saying sorry, me and my wide mouth makes me looks like I am smiling and not giving a damn when I sed it.. but I do.

So Thank You FRIENDS for being tolerant, patient, kind, nice, sweet, helpful & caring to me. I won't do stupid things no more, not too often ^_^, I mean, if I dont do stupid things, then I m not me, right? I LoVe You guys so much!!! Now if you dont mind, I m kinda broke these days, Lunch? Dinner probably... On you? =) hahaz =)

LOVE (eeeew)

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morning power Qs

What are you happy now? I think that having GF is making me happy atm. And being able to do what I want and contribute abit to the company. ...