Saturday, 23 February 2008

another update, another day.

slept over at ccw's house last night after a game of munchkins.. should have just let ks win... somehow got the feeling that hl will win... regret regret!! lol

went home in the morn, showered, then took T629 to meet up with Wei Hoong. The TripleXL burger is lame, the bread sucks, its not even XL!!! what a con-job
But anyways, it was nice meeting new people (As usual). I even got a lift from her. :D hehe

later on, went to kammo's house, sit sit awhile, ate fruits then go mahjong at ks' house.. ho ho ho... on my way out, saw honshen, he asked 'i thought cny over d, still mahjong?' I replied swiftly, 'Seasoned gambler.' ^_^ ... good outing, managed to increase my acc. receivables amt. lol

hmm, i left my hp there, now i m just blogging after reading the papers. i slept from 4-6ish.. T_T so tired must be. now contemplating on whether to eat or not to eat dinner?

so anywho,

read the Nat Geo mag, really interesting on the animals, esp the birds that uses tools to hunt for food.. :) dogs can rmb 300+ vocabs, etc etc

what to do tonight?

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morning power Qs

What are you happy now? I think that having GF is making me happy atm. And being able to do what I want and contribute abit to the company. ...