went to Chow Yang there, ate @ Mee Yoke Lim... Chat chat lo.. abt religions, cheating, friends, college life and I don't know, etc.. haha ^_^ I rmb the part where Ailin said that it's all abt faith. Hehe.. Faith is good. Believe. =D
Took pics.. hehe this is the one eyed monster~ :P cyclops~~ hehe

Hehe anyways, Ailin's flight to Russia got delayed. She ll be leaving on the 26th of Sept. Anyone whos hiring can go look for her le, she wants to work.
Then after done chit-chatting, I sent Min Li bck cos' some ppl got date.. HL& Ailin stayed at my house for awhile b4 we fetch Catherine and go yumcha~ @ Dharoos. Cheng was there waiting in the car. He just came bck from family dinner.. hee.. Then HL n I realised the Charity Cup wuz showing... and Arsenal sudah 1 goal down d, Drogba. The match ended with Arsenal losing 2-1 to Chelsea. Anyways, we all talk abt stupid stuff la, talk abt ghost. Haihz.. at first it was okay.. then the more they talk abt it, the more I scared.. then look at the time.. wahh!! 1130PM adi.. T_T ehe.. but nth happened... lucky~~ swt. One day must go to Cheng Heng's house and get the Fu.. hehe
then Nth le, today went college.. listen to Steven Toh more than usual... Hmm, then got my result, 14.2... hmm.. not as good as my previous 2 result (which I know that it was all luck) hehe.. but didnt really expect high marks for acc though.. Come to think of it.. Accounting I lost five marks only, and MGT i lost 6.. So I should be feel sad for my MGT rather than my acc right? :) hehe.. well, this is up to you how you want to look at it lo.. Hehe, I think 14.2 its okay... count count d its 71% ehe... which still consider A in secondary sch. Hehe.. ahh... Then head for my Valerie Loh, late d. She didnt really teach much today, cos' our tutorial class is like one week ahead or something. She ended the class early, then allow us to ask assignment Qs. Hmmm wanted to start yesterday so I can ask abt it today.. but didnt start, so didnt ask. lol.
Hmmm what to do now? :( uploading pics to my multiply.
Hello! MinLi got straight As for her ALvls..... congrat congrats
1 comment:
hmmm ... roti canai!
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