Sat -> Nancy's dinner @ Souled out followed by Karma then Breakers. Dinner time took pics wit them

Sun-> Stef's Farewell Dinnerl @ The Ship in BB, followed by yum cha in Sri Hartamas! (RM3 for limau ais.. wtf man) TQ Stef!!

Mon -> Alex's Dinner (cheap but in Shah Alam, dint go to CH's house for the cake~)

Alex Bday Boy~ happy 19th
cheers to all of u who support ManU but don't worry, liv will be bck soon enuff.
Wed -> Ordinary day turned spectacular~
Well, hmm Highlights? KitMun ~~!! hehe.. so happy 4 her, hope she is nt mad that i forced her to join the singing thing... College Idol sponsored by Wigleys. She sang real good.. wonder was she embarrassed in front of .. *ahem .. lolx
watched 7 swords.. real good show~ I only wish that there were more fighthing scenes which you can see clearly.. the China actor looks damn good.. like a combonation of LeeHom & a HK artiste. Charlie Young don't look as pretty as she was in Police Story. Hehe, the Korean chiq was HOT, so is the Fang girl. She looks like Zhang Ziyi, is she? I don't know.
karMa Hour
at night, Hexiang Ailin Catherine Minli and Alex T went to Karma~~ weeeee hehe Thank you Kit Mun for sharing.. hehe.. Wednesday and Sat ladies night. Cool la... But funny thing wuz that the place wuz filled wit DJIANS! ALl around.. there was this table, approx 10+, were djians.. then Catherine saw Shaun haha.. He still look the same.. thank gawd he still remembers me... if nt Paiseh~ :P hehe.. He meeting up with Rohan -> who was Ailin/Minli schmate, Cat's Alvls Fren. Shaun -> Cat's pangkor fren, Rohan's schfren, Ailin's mate to Russia and my friend in primarysch. Haha.. It was weird cos everyone know everybody. :p
fun drinking.. hehe.. wuz i drunk? Nah.. Just HIGH... Pls Ching May, dont simply tell other ppl I was drunk :P We parted abt 12+, Catherine puked dy, hehe.. but b4 we left Sri Hartamas, we were asked to have our photos taken.. --> Mobile World... 4 of us, Ailin, Hex, Catherine and me posed :P wuz fun.. hehe
then nw.. blogging lo
tomroo got 8am class, dunno can wake up or nt :P ehe
Remember don't drink and drive! Important! Your face so red!
i wannnaaaaaaaaa go to breakers..never been b4...wahhhhh
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