Monday, 29 February 2016

We lost

Sadly, even though man city was the better team, we managed to go to the Pk somehow.  But then we blew it up. Their keeper saved three of our shots.

Another typical Liverpool final. Play until penalty kick.  Unfortunately this one we lost.


I finished give and take the book already.  good book actually even though I struggled to finish it towards the end. Something different, it talks about how selfless people end up more successful than those who are takers, in the long run.
Now I started another book, aziz Ansari's modern romance. the first chapter looks good, good mix of humour and stats.

Plans for today? Follow my things to do. Probably need to go bank to submit my application for credit card. Maybe I will go ikea and buy the container to hold the books at the same time.

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morning power Qs

What are you happy now? I think that having GF is making me happy atm. And being able to do what I want and contribute abit to the company. ...