Tuesday 26 December 2017

26th Dec! I missed 20days of posting

let's see how good I am in summarising:-

Christmas Day 25th
Morning jog (first since Nov) with Ying Ling. Did a 3km. Exhausted after. lol. Had pork ball mee for brunch. Watched Jumanji after that at MBO Citta Mall

Dinner at Super Saigon and Miru with May

Christmas Eve
Family christmas party at Ah Boy gorgor's house. Delicious food including:- Fried rice, fried mee, satay, pig in a blanket, nuggets, pie tee, ayamas chicken, tong yuen, fruits and cakes!

I got a biscuit box from Ee-Leeng jie2 and ah boy gor2 got my present (jigsaw puzzle)

23rd Dec
Board game with the boys. Played fury of dracula. Loss! I think misunderstood some of the rules but it is the norm when starting new game. Very tactical game, esp if you wanna win. I like it!

Played fifa, won 1, lose 1.

Had muffin + milo for dinner

22nd Dec
Christmas Dinner with TSV, cindy, karen, tsy and OML @ Daily Grind. Used entertainer app. saved RM120! :D. Other than that, got myself Cindy's present, which is a portable bluetooth speaker, very useful indeed! She got mine, jigsaw puzzle too! :D lol

Wednesday dinner with EeFeng @ Huckleberry. We shared an asian duck salad thing and beef burger. Bought her jigsaw puzzle too for present lol.

Played concordia on 21st with HL CCW and Nick due to our zombie night being cancelled. HL was going bricks and I laughed at him cos he didnt have any expensive production and guess what? he won (asshole).

Went shopping one the mornings to buy present, ended up with jigsaw puzzles all from the same shop. Puzzle Planet https://www.facebook.com/pg/puzzleplanet/about/

Their puzzles are of good quality
- Exquisite Print
- Water Proof
- No glue needed
- Patented Hinge
- Snug Interlocking
- Exquisite Packaging
- Vibrant colours

And they have a variety of designs, such as a flowerpot, a mini one that comes with a frame, a vase etc. I have been meaning to get one and I really like it that I got it as a present for others.

On the 16th, attended  Beyond Insight's talk. Paid and register for their course in Jan. I think I need to start somewhere so decided to go with them.

Met up with Denise and she taught a few things on trading, In exchange, I shared with her on the bazi and qimen stuff.

Other than that, fixed my chair (cos I sweat a lot i think when i was sick until the leather cracked). Bought leather cream from IKEA. I also bought a desk lamp to replace the broken but still functional one (finally).

Played telestration one of the nights when I was sick @ccw house. KF ailin, jack joseph were there. They were attending LipZhun's wedding the next day. You should see jack's drawing of a stable and how he draws two dogs having intercourse. =D

Wednesday 6 December 2017

Still sick

Zzz since 29/11.
But now sweating a lot. Hopefully will be good tmr!

Friday 1 December 2017

Kyoto & last day

Chill in osaka. Visited osaka castle. Had ichiran ramen. Castle quite beautiful but is more modern than I expect. The exterior is brick based (not stone or wood). Nice place to walk around and chill.

After that I took elise to aquarium.

Dinner had sukiya. I ordered beef with grated radish

Went to Kyoto again. To Inari first. Hiked all the way up to the top. Nothing great. No view. Just a  shrine. Was disappointed but I made a wish.

The whole journey up and down took about an hour. Caught up with sis and ah Mei jie to head to Arashiyama. Had noodles at the street side(no place to sit cos it was raining).

Walked the bamboo forest. Beautiful but too packed with ppl.

Walked tenryuji temple's garden. Ate a date plum.

Parted ways with big sis (catching train back to tokyo) and ah Mei jie (going home with robert). Left ah leng, elise, Jo and me.

Walked around Arashiyama for another hour +(shopping primarily) before taking Jr to Kyoto for a walk about. The highlight of the trip to Kyoto was a smelly homeless guy who shared the same cart as we did. We changed on the following stop to another cart. HOWEVER, after shopping at aeon Kyoto, we bumped into him again, after Jo manage to caught his fowl scent. :l

Anyway had dinner at the station. The station has this observation deck/Sky Garden. Worth going, esp in daytime. At night harder to take photos. They also set up this really huge Christmas tree with leds playing images to the tune of the music.

We (elise and me) head home, leng and Jo went shopping. Caught flu (likely due to my attire today (light clothing as I was planning for my hike up inari)

Morning had noodle set with rice, tofu, egg and unagi, sashimi. value for. Money!

Bought the dried fruits.

Walked win ah Mei jie to buy her whiskey. Bought a beer Ebisu premium and 5 piece sushi (this one cost only 500y cos late d).

Bought my specs and having it sent to ying kuan. Cost me 11.3k. Pray nothing goes wrong with the delivery.

Played fm whole day. Sold Emre can for 70m.got youngsters in one to replace him.

Last dinner in Japan and I am having Coco ichibaya. Didn't manage to try Matsuaka Yakiniku recommended by Calvin N kf

How was the trip.

Sunday 26 November 2017


Internet is so slow that i
- can't even login into steam..i wanted to complete my tasks for black Friday/Thanksgiving
- can't load livescore to check the score. I had to use google
- can't load browser on my. Surface pro.

Anyway I am awake. It is 8:41am. Did some exercise. Relieved myself. Will change and wait for the rest.

Walked down to see an ongoing marathon. So many volunteers! And quite organized (very few garbage).  There were two ladies dressing up as minions.

I wanna join this in the future!

Anyway we ate and head to meet Hs and others at the market. It's about 11+ because we all waited for elise..

Kuromon market, we split up for brunch. I followed Hs with ah leng jie2 and elise. Had sashimi, salmon, pork with egg, crab and scallop. Yums!

Walked around the market for about one hour after that. Bought some snacks to eat ie mochi and ice cream.

After that we rested for a bit at Hs Airbnb. I took a nap. We head to dontomburi next. It was ah Mei jie2,me big sis and Robert. We walked here and there. I saw the nmd and ultra boost shoes... Starting from 18k. That's about RM700!

I bought a grid book from Daiso to do bazi. Bought potato farm with endamame. Bought postcards.

Dinner we wanted to eat matsuaka yakiniku but fully booked. Have to book geh. In the end we split to two groups. One went for ramen and another just me n Hs. We had some cheap. 1k below food in the end. I had negitoro bowl. We talked about trading and Jojo. Lol

Wedding dream

The wedding feels like yt and jack.

Anyway there were us friend hanging out at the wedding. There was thus point where by the groom is hl and Joey yap wanted to take photo with the groom. I showed him where he was and he took a photo with hl. After that, he wrote down his no and asked me to call him.

In another scene we were sitting in a car, going somewhere. Inside the car there were Amy, my current date and myself. Any and my date got along quite well and I was wary she might convince my date not to get together with me.

We reached like some palm oil estate, and I changed my shirt.

Something like that.

Friday 24 November 2017


I dropped one of my gloves onto the lake hakone.

Had finished lunch at a BBQ place. So full

Now heading to shopping.

Earlier visited a place to view fuji Mountain.

Bfast -  bread

Go shinjuku, walk walk,  then eat lunch. Bought stationary.

Had fish broth ramen. Delicious. Something different. FULL

Visit an electronic center. Ah leng jie2 bought a nikon camera for elise.

After that walk around harajuku till late.

Dinner yakitori near Otsuka station.

Finished reading Elon musk!


Woke up early for day trip to my fuji
Took the bus. Slept inside. Took a ship across the lake. Lost my glove while taking a photo.

Took. Cable car to the second station. Had a herbal egg. So so nia. Had a great egg ice cream yumssss!

Then lunch! BBQ lunch. Overate. Almond Jelly was delicious

Went shopping. Bought a pair of shoes and a shirt from banana Republic 

Home. Took 2hrs like that to reach.

Walked around shinjuku with sis. Ate tomato rice. Home.


Woke up, got ready, had yogurt for bfast. Clean up the house.

Walked around the shopping mall next to the station, atre vie.  Didn't buy anything. Had a spicy ramen. Tasty.

Left for airport. Waited around there for a bit until time to check in.

Flight. Delayed, reached around 715pm. Had sashimi with rice. Took a train to our Airbnb at nanba. Sleeping on the floor.. Nice!

Wednesday 22 November 2017


In a train in Japan right now!

Thristy. Was trying to finish reading Elon musk during the flight.

Watched dark tower and nice bits of wonder woman.

Saturday 18 November 2017


Woke up at 610am, got ready for hl's jip san leong.

Cut my hair on Friday @ Shawn cutler. Then met up with may, she intro my Smart Legacy by GE, which is a product created by Tricia's team. Will ask her more later tonight during dinner.

Played Suburbia with nick Ccw and Deanna. I like. Hopefully this game will last.

Played zombie army trilogy also. Managed to kill two machine gun zombie dudes with a Webley. Play of the day! In total killed three machine gun zombie guys.

It's 1130pm now.

Came back from hl's wedding dinner. Very full from the three mochi and two bowls of tong sui.

Yeelynn spoke to me about Amy. Hmm. She asked me if I really liked her.

Elise ah leng jie2,ah Theng jie2,  ah boi koko and ah Joanne jie2 came over today for kammo's laksa. Discuss a bit about the Japan trip.

The jimui games are quite easy. I really enjoy eating the spicy Korean noodles.also, finally can put my head stand practice into use. Lol

Tuesday 14 November 2017

some photos over the weekend

 Resistance with ccw is always fun/ obvious when he plays the spy

Pandemic legacy, we have reached the month of April.

Korean @ Ampang with Joanne, HL and Joanne's friend Ang B

- update my bazi excel - think looks better and more organised
- read another chapter of Elon Musk
- plan some activity throughout the week

Sunday 12 November 2017


Reading a book and jotting the notes now. It's been a long  unblogged week. Mainly due to laziness. Need to kick start again.

Finished bazi thrive on Sunday, head back home because dinner with Cady was cancelled.

Bought a new gpu. A 1060 for rm1.6k.

Skipped badminton this week to attend our cpa dinner. Sat with MJ and Zen. The food was OK. They had a terrarium building session for pre dinner activity. Was fun. I made two. One is like a desert terrarium and another is inverse, with the desert in the middle and a buried corpse.

I was also spending some time cleaning up my notes on qmdj and bazi, it was productive I think. Things are neater now.

I have also just completed a proposal for the community waste ecology. Let's see what azlan think. I think the number looks good.

Other than that, went for rock climbing with Tricia, she enjoyed it so that's good. Met ying hui there.

Played bg on Friday and Saturday. Played betrayal, resistance, Pandemic and machi Koro.

I did help out with painting the trees on Monday. It was great but it took us 4hrs.. And it was a nice feeling to see the reaction from the public when I posted it on Ttdi group.

Next week: registered for two courses on stocks.

Made some money from bj Corp, priva and aax.

Bought a few more stuff: terraforming Mars, fury of Dracula and battery and power plug strip.

Tuesday 7 November 2017

EPUBOR Adobe DRM Removal!

Are you frustrated trying to access your purchased ebooks, which are passworded protected, from various devices? From each device, when you first open the document, you need to login. And this is very frustrating when you want to share it with your friends.

What is the solution? TRY Epubor's Adobe ePUB&PDF DRM Removal 

The software is VERY EASY to use. Just select the pdf you want to decrypt, let the program run for about  5mins (my book was about 400pages long) and VOILA!!! It is done!

I have used the software on a free trial and it works! No quality reduction, everything is perfect! But you need to pay for registration to get the full document.

For USD18, you have heaps of books you want to share with friends, I think this software is worth trying.

Saturday 4 November 2017


i saw in a room there were a bunch of Aus @ers, including Anne. Anne saw me and yelled my name and came over and hugged me.

There was a bar with various candies

I cleaned a cupboard's top, where there is a spider and spiderweb. Threw it into a dustbin.

We were on an island holiday and on our last day I saw there is this landmark which was the furthest point from where we were located. It was where they filmed a famous movie about a couple wedding.

oh, then YK whatsapp asked if Malaysia is hiring teachers. I  said yes, we need to improve our English teachers' quality. Nick said o no.... replying to YK as he felt sad that YK is forced to come back to Msia.

Friday 3 November 2017

Wednesday 1 November 2017


The rise of baby photos appearing on my FB is starting.

Going for class this weekend.

Tonight play zombie with nick and Ccw. Hl tbc

Still considering whether to get 1060 or not...

Am currently in ikea. Read a pocket article on journal. Said big shot ppl do it often..  It also said should outline what have been accomplished each day. And be more honest

My accomplishment for today is:
1) read some bazi for andrea
2) did 30 situps, 30leg pull and 20 of a variation situp
3) finishing my book on secret of a millionaire
4) Bought more umwog, thinking it will go up. The support is strong and even though it fell to 315, the adx's PDMI is still above MDMI. So I bought 50k at 320.
Yesterday's accomplishment
1) played badminton,  sweat a lot ☺
2) did about 30mins of work on bazi

I did look into amy's FB yday.. Hmm is she with the guy?

Sunday 29 October 2017


Watched thor alone. Had Ultraman burger

Went to nam heong at starling. Not bad for the tea time set rm12 for 3 dim sum and free tea.

No good books selection at book axcess

Gardened on Thursday. Killed a snake. Much wow.

Hang out with cousins yesterday at Red bean bag and whimsical

Played Pandemic legacy on Friday night. Quite interesting.

Baking again.

Sunday 22 October 2017

Sunday 22/10

Jogged once. (going to Jog again soon, waiting for efe)

Bought a gaming mouse

Helped to maintain parts of the house errands, watering plants and plucking flowers, praying.

Tried to look for my CHIP computer, couldn't find it. Did I give it to someone?

Tried new place super Saigon. Vietnam Pho. Quite good,  reasonable price and FAST!

Failed to do what I wanted to do last week. Lol supposed to come out with the urban x proposal. Ah well, let's try again!

Went to garden twice. Tilled one of the plot, placed the netting for the rainwater harvesting and clear weeds.

Monday 16 October 2017

Oct 17 /Weekend back in KL

Went hiking with Jolene, Ying Ling & eefeng at KD Forest Reserve. Took us total about 3hrs. Did not enjoy it as much as it was quite an easy hike. Once you reached the top, you get a view of the NKVE highway.

Saturday I baked brownies. Another good batch! If I bake once a week I definitely will get better!

Watched Geostorm with Ying Ling on Sunday night. OK la. Had sushi Q before movie and little fat duck after.

Went to CM house to collect ccw house key. played new fifa18

Sunday 15 October 2017

Brownie baking lessons

1) More butter - more gooey
2) Do not use milk chocolate
3) Cocoa powder replaces flour, not chocolate
4) Use one teaspoon of salt

First baking
1) Used milk chocolate - hence a lot of butter left on the bottom of the brownie (and it did not harden)
2) Used 250g of white sugar (too much)
3) The tray was higher up and I pour all to one small rectangular tray

Second baking
1) Used dark chocolate - no butter left on the bottom
2) Used 200g of brown sugar (still too much) - suggest to reduce to 170g next time
3) Time was 30mins at 170C, though I did continue baking for 5mins at 150C
4) There were two trays, one further from lamp is more moist. The one nearer to lamp is more cakey

I did find the second baking was smoother and faster.

Third baking
1) Dark choc
2) Extra butter 230 instead of 200g
3) 150g sugar instead of 250g, brown sugar
4) Put in half teaspoon of salt (as per tricia)
5) the rest is the same
6)  left it at 170c for 35mins,and another one longer. About 5m +

Fourth bake
1) dark choc 350g
2) butter 230g
3) sugar 120g
4)  half teaspoon of salt
5) 50g self raising flour
6) 3 eggs
7) 190c for 30m. 170c for 5mins?

Output is good but still too crumbly and not crispy. suggest to do something with the egg sugar or the time in the oven or maybe the heat

Butter RM8.30 - 250g
Dark chocolate RM28 for 1kg (i only used 350)
Eggs 3 pieces - 0.50/piece
Sugar about RM3 for 500g (i only used 200g)
Flour is negligible

Saturday 14 October 2017

Blade runner

The movie is a no no. Don't bother watching

Bought phone replacement

I paid 1734+65(for casing) for my new phone replacement. It is the same model, one plus 3t. Same color etc. Lol
Couldn't get the same cover because it is too expensive, may ask big sis to help get it.

Friday 13 October 2017

Route Perfect - Europe travel planner


For Europe travel - to identify which other cities to visit along the way to your destination from your start point

I used this website to find out about Innsbruck and Verona. Very pleased :)

Thursday 12 October 2017

Lost my phone... at a garden


I lost my phone i bought this year, in a garden. Someone may have took it.

So I was walking around doing work, I MAY HAVE DROPPED IT SOMEWHERE....  OR, I have left it on the bench, and SOMEONE TOOK IT....

Strange this is this

If I have dropped it somewhere, what I did after that was:-
1) I backtracked everywhere! I even overturned the whole compost just to look for it (took me two hours).

2) I called my phone, I whatsapp it, I use my Find My Device to ring it, I CANNOT HEAR Shtz from it

3) It is a hard item, so I used a rake to rake around, NOPE..... no such luck

IF someone have took it:-
1) He or She should have switch off the phone immediately, why kept the line on?!?

2) I SMSed a few times, they would have be aware of it, of my offer to the reward. They should have switch it off OR reply me.

3) When I rang it using the Find My Device, they should stop it immediately too!

I still suspect someone took it, not on purpose but he/she did, mainly because, when I call it a few times earlier, one of the call actually was accepted, BUT NO ONE WAS TALKING, as if the thigh/butt dial problem happened. :(

Anyway I shall have a go at it later, ask around for it, and then decide what phone to buy...

In other news:
I want to reduce intake of the following:-
1) ice cream
2) bubble milk tea
3) fruit juice
mainly to save some money

What Santu said is true, if I save a bit here and there, it is a lot.

Saturday 7 October 2017


Bfast @ rooftop, eggs and toast + yogurt

Walked to Siddha pokari. Was disappointed at the view

Walked to durbar square, paid usd15 for entrance fee.. Paid a guy rm20 for tour guide, brought us around and explain the buildings. One of the more interesting ones is the kamasutra temple / Pashupatinath Temple. They have 24 pictures that depicts the positions for sexual intercourse. Upon performing, you will have a baby. It is for the olden time young couples to educate them on how to have a family, as usually back then they get married quite young.

We visited a thangka center, art painting from the olden times. We didn't appreciate it much so we didn't stay long. Next we went past nyatapola temple. Beautiful. Nyata means five and this pagoda has 5 levels.

We also visited a pottery maker. I wanted to buy a cup from him but the price was high. When I went back someone already bought all of it.. Unfortunate for me, but he was nice enough and felt bad about it that he gave me a small Buddhist statue as a gift.

We went back to pottery cafe and bar for lunch, had vege pakoda and chicken Chilli momo.

We visited the peacock window and dattreya Temple. After that shopped for chips, and now we are chilling at the guest house waiting for our taxi.

Taxi picked us up and reached airport  in about 40mins. Krishna dropped by, passed us goodbye gift and falafel and kebab wraps. Checked in, and had our dinner at the airport. Now waiting to pass security. It is 720pm, flight is at 925pm.

Flight delayed for one hour. Talked with Betty and her niece. Her niece got diarrhea. Thank God it was the last night in nepal.

Pokhara - kathmandu

Woke up around 615am, finished reading mockingbird. Not bad of a story.

We had takeaway bfast (French toast) and head to the bus station. Found our bus, got in around 720am. It is now 515pm, we have yet reach our destination.

It stopped 3 times,  once for short break around 1045, next was 1230 for lunch and another toilet break in the afternoon. We had fried rice and pakoda for lunch.

The road is bumpy and poor in condition. The bus always shakes up and down, left to right. It was also a hilly road, with loads of turning, ascending and descending, so the journey was horrible! BUT I did manage to read some of the hard things about hard things and started on a book I didn't realized I bought. Manage and clean up.


We reached Kathmandu stop around 540pm..to our surprise, Krishna arrived! He helped to negotiate price with the taxi drivers and managed to get one for 1k. (later, I tipped the guy an extra 100 as he wanted). Along the way the guy talked to me mostly about his life and plans, and I kept asking as well. He intends to go Poland to work if possible.

We arrived at Bhaktapur guest house around 7pm. We got three beds instead of two! Freshen up and head for dinner. The owner, Monica, said she will be going for ABC in late Oct with her German friend.

We are now waiting for our food at a restaurant at the highest floor on one of their building. I ordered dhal boat, we ordered pork chilly to share. Pork chilly, was awesome! For Npr 150. Yums!

Friday 6 October 2017

Trekking day 8

Left bambu ard 8+. Breakfast was muesli and hot milk. Tasty but tiring to chew. Head to chhomrong. Had fried potatoes with egg and vege. Stayed there till about 1pm, before heading to jhinu.

Saw a lot of Koreans and Chinese coming up along the way. Also got the contact of the American lady. Penny /penelope. Also found out the Malaysian guy name is ben

At jhinu, rested a bit and head for hot spring. Met a Malaysian travelling with Korean here.

At hot spring, the water is hot at the shower but the pool water is just soso. Lukewarm at best.

Dinner had oat Porridge. Meh. Pakouda is good though.

Also. Finally got Internet! Hahaha

Trekking day 7

Woke up around 6, geared up to go out and enjoy the magnificent view of the snow mountains. Took heap of photos. Helped a Spanish lady took hers. Reminder to send the photos to her later.

Gurung bread was soso only. Head down, took more photos along the way. Reached Himalaya at 12pm. Had fried rice + plain rice with curry vege for lunch.

Walked another 2hrs... Then reached bamboo around 3+. Took a cold shower. Apparently it is full house at sinuwa.

It is already one week.of hiking. My my.

Had vege egg fried rice for dinner. Chatted with the Malaysian lady with Singapore lady. After dinner, we discussed our finances.

I read like one chapter of to kill a mockingbird before I slept.

Heart sore

Just had a dream. There were several scenes. One was fixing the cement slabs and tiles at Kaufu house, one was me using dating app to meet girls, one was playing badminton/ nick visiting a friend bringing ruffles potato chips. And another was me advising a guy who wants to talk to Kiranjeet abt their friendship. Amy was there. I gave a thorough though out plan to talk whereas Amy just said be direct and speak what's in the mind. She was starting/warming a wira for someone, presumably for her bf.

It's 1am now. I woke up from the dream. Thinking, how much I really like Amy, and yet it was not meant to be anymore.

I know the distance I made after the 'conversation' did not help the situation but at the same time if the feeling is mutual she would have taken some action.? Lol nobody will ever know now.

Another 5hrs before I can really wake up. Sigh.

I was searching for my note on relationship advice but I couldn't find it. Don't start a relationship if you are not ready. That's all I rmb...  And I 樂 I may not be ready now.

Trekking day 6

Morning! Woke up around before 6. Did some warm up,  brushed teeth, and when they woke up, I packed my bag. Had Tibetan bread with cheese. The bread is also known as grunge bread. We started Trekking around 730 am.  Reached deurali around 930.

The view from here onwards is fantastic.

Met a Korean honeymoon couple here. They got a flag that says "we just got married."
So cute! Took a photo with them.

From this point onwards it is all the way up up up. Finding myself needing to catch a breath now and then.

It's 1120 now and no MBC in sight. Getting colder too. We reached the MBC notice board at 1150. Took us another few flight of stairs before reaching our lunch point. Ordered vege fried rice, again. Spoke to a Spanish lady from the region of Andalusia. I also changed to a warmer attire.

After that, we depart about 1pm to ABC. Reached around 3pm. Cold. Cold. Unpacked. We were told it is not good to shower at this temperature. We use wet wipes to do some cleaning.

After unpacking, we chilled at the dining hall, play cards until we get to see the view of the mountains around us. What a sight!  Took photos, then continue chilling at dining hall till dinner time.

Makan, brush teeth (at the bushes) and get ready to sleep (missing one wool sock, so my left leg will be feeling warmer than the right one tonight).

We are sharing room with 6 other pax. One of them is an American staying in Salt Lake city. We met him a few times along the way here.

Spoke to a Nepalese who worked in Klang before. He likes it there but was always bullied by drunk Indians. What a bad image these Indians are giving to Malaysia. Sigh....

Anyway... Thought about Amy along the way here today. Crazy. Just crazy why I am thinking so much about her now. :l anyway.....

Go home must bake more brownies.

Thursday 5 October 2017

Trekking day 5


Packed, warmed up. My water bottle is leaking so I used a plastic bag to support the bottom. Hopefully it won't break the bag.

Had Tibetan bread, eggs and potatoes again. I am not yet bored of it. I just wonder how healthy it is as we are eating two eggs daily.

Will be heading to Himalaya stop today. View looks fantastic as we can see the snow mountains from here ie the place we stayed last night.

On our way to Himalaya, it rained so we stopped for lunch at bamboo. I had fried rice, whereby the portion is enough for two pax. I was soaked Btw.

We reached about 415pm. Showered. Got hot water. Tonight sharing room with the girls. Now playing Nepalese card game while waiting for dinner.

Trekking day 4

As usual, woke up a few times during the night. Slept without brushing my teeth cos I Ter slept. Even left the light on.

Morning bfast, eggs + potatoes + Tibetan bread.

Started to trek downwards. Reached a stop. With a mini ferris wheel at 11am.

Stopped at 1150am for lunchhh. Having curry chicken, mixed fried rice and tomato soup. The owner worked in Malaysia before, and wanted to match make CHC and me with Nepalese.

We reached chhomrong around 3+pm. Not bad I think today.

All showered, washed clothes and waiting for dinner. And it's only 3:42pm

We learned how to play an Indian card game.

Dinner we ordered curry chicken, two dhal baat for sharing. Spoke to a few Nepalese in Malay.

Read a few chapters before I sleep.

Pokhara Day 3

Ultralight,  woke up early in the morning around 515am. Waited outside for the car since 530am, the driver reached only around 6+am. Met another Malaysia group from PG. We talked, exchanged contact.
I was supposed to go first, got into the vehicle, but left after idling for 10-15m. The airport was closed so we could not fly. After that the PG ppl went first. I had to wait for 30mins extra.

The Ultralight was definitely an experience, flying without a wall/border between you and the air..  The view, can see the mountains, flying above the cloud, diving into the clouds, just fun. Not very exciting but enjoyable!

After that, I dropped postcards for Jen and gloria, walked back to hostel, rested a bit and head back to shop for more books.

Bought Stephen hacking, Dale Carnegie, zero to one and option B. Later will buy rework and one more book.

Lunch we had Tibetan food, with tungba (millet drink, taste bad at the beginning but gets better). We had Tibetan pie, which I think is the best of all. The rest were soup momo and rice noodle soup.

After lunch we walked, we shopped for books before heading to Kfc to meet Santu.

After that we walked along the lakeside, then had dinner at a Korean shop.

Came back, and then packed for the trip to bhaktapur. Met a chilean and a Chinese. 

Wednesday 4 October 2017

Trekking day 3

Woke up at 405am. In between I woke up at 12, 2 and 3am.

Ate nestum and dressed up for hiking. The hike was bearable but perhaps due to the altitude, we need to catch a lot of oxygen. I can walk faster but decided to slow down so I won't faint or feel exhausted.

Once we were at the top,  the view is amazing. You can see the snow mountains! As it was a special occasion, we were served free drink and biscuit, with a t shirt as well.

Now waiting for Bfast. 

Bfast was awesome! Got Tibet bread, egg and potato. After makan, start hiking. Halfway, can see the mountains. Beautiful view.

We started 9+, reached lunch area around 1pm. Today's hike. Was much easier compared to yesterday. Downhill. Most of the time. But having said that, downhill is bad for knee. So I tried to walk backwards,sideways, crouching...

I ordered Tibetan bread with omelette tomato. The bread doesn't taste as good as the morning one. Anyway I think we rested for an hour here. I even napped.

After that we begin our second leg of the day. We reached the guest house at Tadapani before 4pm. As we about to reach, the rain started pouring on us. Lol

I have a room to myself again. But this time it is a single bedroom. Took a cold shower. Tonight is going to be colder than yesterday. Maybe cos it rained.

Dinner we had dhal baat. Watched anaconda 2, at least there was kind of entertainment. Wonder who is the girl.

Tomorrow will head to chomrrong

Trekking day 2

Tikkedhunga. This is the place of the first night we slept in. In the morning we had egg, grilled potatoes, onions and tomatoes with toast bread. Simple and tasty.

Packed up, and head to ulleri. We trek for about 2hrs, rest 10mins or so before trekking again for another 1hr. In between we managed to catch the sight of a snow mountain. White and beautiful.

For lunch, I took momo, simple and filling enough. There were many groups who rested here including a Japanese female group that is suspect is probably a softball team. I bought an orange hoping it was juicy but it was dry.  :(

We commence our journey again. Another 3hrs. At one point I finally bought a coke for Npr200 which is about RM9. Tasty!!

We finally reached ghorepani about 4pm . took some photos at the entrance. Krishna pointed out where we need to go tomorrow morning. For the sunrise. Looks daunting. Anyway, the room is cozy! I showered, did some washing and now waiting for dinner.

Dinner was awesome. Sizzling chicken, fries and vege. Hung my washed clothes next to the heater to dry.

Pokhara day 2

Bfast was banana pancake. Spoke to some of the hostel mates.

Booked myself for ultra flight for USD99 for 15mins

Took a boat to world peace pagoda. Had to help the boatmen row.

Was one hour hike up, met some old Chinese ladies and chatted with them for a bit.

Stupa was built in relation to a goal by a  Japanese Buddhist who wants to spread Japanese Buddhist back to India.

Shared a taxi back to lakeside with 2 other girls. Npr200 per pax.

Sent postcards, now having lunch at sharmila restaurant. Decent price. Not bad the food. Had thukpa, dhal baat and pokada

Tried local everest beer. Not bad. 650ml for 300, ie rm12.

Stumbled into this book shop. Sells really reasonable books. Finally Bought my sapiens book.

Walked a bit more, stumbled onto kfc. Met the sg and my ladies eating at a rooftop Nepalese restaurant.

We had Italian pizza and spaghetti for dinner. Didn't feel well after. Probably lack of water. Dehydrated. Drank Gorkha for dinner too. I prefer everest.

Walked back. New roommate from Israel. Showered and spoke to Dutch lady, shared my experience on trekking before I sleep

Trekking day 9

Woke up. Supposed to have corn bread but chc mistaken my corn bread for Tibetan bread. :l tried both, no diff.

Started to walk down before 8, met the other guys (Americans and Malaysians) halfway down the  road. Chatted with penny towards the end.

At the end, we took a Jeep from siwai to pokhara. Had lunch with Krishna, had pokada again.

Changed money and went back to hostel.  Rested a bit and head out again

Dinner took us 1hr to decide. Finally set on Korean dinner but the place looks odd and there were many customers whom have yet been served their food so we left. We ended up having  Chinese for dinner. So so.

Read another few chapters before sleeping.

Trekking day 1

We arrived at pokhara yesterday after about 2hours flight delay. The plane fits about 20pax and you can see the cockpit from your seat. There is only one seat on each side of the plane. The flight took about 30mins.

Upon arriving,  we met with Krishna at the arrival hall, which is just like a small hall. We dropped our bag which we do not want to carry for our hike, and head up. The car ride was at least an hour long. Along the way we saw various type of goats/yaks. People were buying them for their upcoming celebration.

We reached some hut, repacked our bags and started walking for 30mins.by this time, it is already around 330pm. We took our lunch, which is fried rice and started to trek. Took us about  2.5hrs to reach our hostel. The trek is not difficult but I was carrying my own bag,  which is quite heavy (9kg).  There were three dogs that we met along the way and they followed us for at least 30mins long.

I got my own room because there's only two beds per room. Had dhal baat for dinner, which is rice, soup, papadom, vege and vege. Taste better than the dhal baat we had near the boudanath temple.

After that I showered, brush my teeth (I forgot my toothbrush, bought one here for NPR25, which is about RM1+), wash my clothes and then slept.

Woke up middle of the night a few times. Too cold. First time I wore jacket and long pants. Second time I wore another layer of long pants AND gloves. Morning weather now feels fine.

There are two Nepalese here whom have worked in KL before. One in the container Depot and another idk where but around KL/SHAH Alam.

Monday 25 September 2017

Kathmandu day2

Arrived yesterday late night with marlina and CHC. The airport is small. Funny thing was we had to go through security after immigration, before collecting our luggage, so basically they were checking our carry in luggages. I just wonder why because it is likely the departing airport would have done some checks on it already...

Anyway dil picked us up. The hotel is small but the room is spacious. Toilet is uncomfortable. Small and don't feel it is clean. We showered and rest for the night.

Morning we got up, changed money and head for Bfast. Had big breakfast. Cost USD3.5 ish.
After that we settle some admin stuff before heading to our local sightseeing. We decided to take a local driver to ease our travel. Visited monkey temple. The temples here all got a pillar in the middle with eyes drawn on each sides of the pillar.  According to CHC, not sure how true, it is basically the sign the God is watching out for the people, at all directions. I bought a singing bowl here.

Next is the durbar square. We didn't go in because 1) we were given only 30mins 2) it cost us 1000 rupees per pax. Head back to the car.

Then head to pasupati temple. It is a Hindu temple. At the side there is a river where they burn the dead. Then the ashes will be thrown into the river, which flows to India. We got a student guide here, which was expecting us to tip him 1k but we stuck with our 500rp. There are different places for diff classes. Normal ppl burn at one area where as rich another. Kings have their own, which is the closest to the temple.

There are yogi/hermit staying near the temple where they will take photo with your for a donation. They also will share teachings of the Hindu for those who seek them.

After temple, we head for lunch. Tried local staple food (which is quite similar to Indian food) and momo (dumpling). I m happy to order momo again but not the local food.

Visited bhadaunath Temple. There is some ceremony going on as the monks were chanting and there is a monk's picture in the center with tables full of offerings of food and drinks.

Head home. Count money, realised may not have enough money for the journey. Head out for dinner.  Had kebab. Head home.

Friday 15 September 2017

Lack of postings

Spent the whole day (till 3pm+) shopping for gears for trekking. I ended up spending RM505 on a backpack, cap, water drinker, fodable bag, battery and long pants.

Had leftover fried rice for lunch.

Went and see doc, he gave me prescription to make my stuffed ear "flow out".

Chatted with Gloria for abit.

Cut my hair and contemplated to shave. Had sushi for dinner. Bought rations for the trip too.

Need to organise my time to:
1) do the report for DBKL
2) review the documents from Azlan

Watched Joey Yap's QMDJ videos (they are for free). He even provide you free chart http://qmatools.masteryacademy.com/Account/Login.aspx

Just register an account! It's free too. If you don't know how to read, feel free to ask me :D

Stayed up playing FM and watching the QMDJ until the game starts. Watched the first two goals, then fell asleep till post-game. Liverpool drew at home to Sevilla 2-2. Same story. Leaky defence. Klopp needs to work harder on it.

Suppose to run with Tse Yee but tak jadi. Dinner at Ding Tai Fung with kaufu, jj, hs
Finished playing Tomb Raider :)

Started doing some wrist exercise to strengthen it and quicken the recovery

Went to KL Jalan Alor with Bun Wai taking the MRT.

see doctor for my ear. he clean the sht out of it. But still stuffy

Took Bun Wai to sign the SPA, view the condo showroom and makan Goon Wah. Dinner we had order dishes at ss2 with Eng Seng and Eng Wah + Nicole.

Bought a wrist support band. pick up Bun Wai from airport. Had supper ming tien

HL's bachelor. Sprained my wrist playing dodgeball. Think the guys enjoyed playing the blindtest challenge. We had fries, bubble tea, beer, cheese tart, korean fried chicken, fried chicken and earphones.

Monday 4 September 2017

Weeekeend activities

Hiking with Jolene at Saga. Good stuff. Used my shoes again. It is good but reminder to self to try it with long socks next time around.

Lunch/brunch @ Huckleberry. Suppose to have b1f1 but according to cashier today is counted as PH also. wweird but I asked twice so thats how it is so nvm le. tried the vegetable burger. no next time for me. tried the croissant. okla only.

after dropping Jolene, head home, download my iZombie season 3 and binge watch it the whole day. Had McDs for dinner. :D

Garden with Nick + friend. Managed to cut the fruit waste before dumping it onto the compost site. The compost that CS and KF did is working (can feel the heat). I did some bricks moving, weeding and plowing.

Badminton. First time playing with Su Ann in months! Nice to see her again after so long.

Lunch @ Tmn Megah/Mayang - siu yuk noodles. yummy!!

Came back and chill for a bit, before heading to Ah leng jiejie's for second round badminton. This time Ashley and Avril joined us as well. Time flies. I left around 6pm. We agreed to makan dinner at Centre point with kaufu at gerai.

Elise very cute. haha. not sure if i get what this means when i re read it next time. Hint: swimming pool + embarrassing moment when she gets older. Even Ah Mei + Ah Leng jiejie knows. I am surprised at how direct and forward she can be with it. hahaha

Gerai - ordered hainanese curry rice + chicken chop. I realised I dont really like their chicken. lol. I think it was enjoyable to have the company of cousins to dine together, since no one else is around. After that we had baskin robbins ( i didnt but the kids did) for dessert. Left earlier to meet up with Cady.

We went for KOPI to yumcha. Initially supposed to go for drinks but i changed my mind.

Came back home, showered then KO with the lights on.

now is 3am and I am wide awake lol.

Saturday 2 September 2017


Tried omurice

Play genitals sticks

Merdeka day, Hari raya hol

Tried mango cheesecake ice cream cake

Playing badminton this weekend! Awesome!

Monday is a PH

Met up with MJ at Owls Cafe. Not bad the food there. Chat for. 2hrs.

Been binging iZombie

Played bowling. Lost to HL. GRRR

going hiking tmr with Jolene

Saturday 26 August 2017

Friday @ ccw

So today I went and clean up the compost bay I made yesterday. There were termites so I need to remove the pallet.

After that I head home to rest. I bought back nasi lemak with beef. Yums!

In the afternoon, I just slacked on my phone, watching videos online. I tested my study desk and it is not bad at all. Works just as I hoped. However, the chair is small for my liking. So I decided to head to Ikea to try on some cheaper chairs (not markus).

Parked at Ikea, shopped at Daiso and Tesco first. Bought a pot and pair of gloves. Then makan hot dog and curry puff. Wanted to get chatime but the Q is too long so I meh it.

Walk around the Ikea showrooms, sat on some chairs. Found one that I potentially may buy. Gonna sleep over it first.

Bought 4 plants, another two white hanging containers. Happy with my purchase as I think all are air purifying plants.

Came home and set them up. Two are at my study table, the rest are in my room. I need to get the tube hanging towel thing for the bathroom soon so I can hang shit there.

Ended the night playing games at Ccw. Played NBA playground and jack box. Tried Tricia's earl grey cake. YUUUUUM!very soft and can clearly taste the early greyness! We also tried the snacks and SA white wine. I like the taro chips. The others just normal nia.

Thursday 24 August 2017

Nasi Lemak burger, insurance and upgrade to room

Upgraded my room with a table, for writing, reading and planning my shit. I think it will be more effective than me doing some "work" like these at the study table.

Watched inconvenient truth 2 yesterday. Perhaps I can do more with my effort at the garden ++ ?

I tried Nasi Lemak burger just now. Seriously taste as good as nasi lemak. :D Love it but for the price, I will recommend you to try once and that's it.

I am also switching my insurance from Prudential to GE. :)

Wednesday 23 August 2017

Badminton + movies

Played badminton yday.

Watched movie, the Quiet American. Not bad the movie. Finally made myself to watch it.

Started to watch star wars rebels again. Yay! Downloaded all the remaining episodes for season 3.

Been following my goal list. So far so good! Must continue working on it!

Tuesday 22 August 2017

Day 6 & 7

Day 6
Morning - the original plan was to head to the Shiziwan area + Cijin, but the hot weather made me feel like heading to Carrefour and Ikea. I wanted to check out Ikea morning breakfast but by the time I reached I think their breakfast was over as they closed the counter (i assumed to transition to standard meals).

I window shopped at carrefour's shops/outlets. Nike, Adidas, Puma, - nothing really super cheap to buy. Nike actually have some clearance items but they were long sleeves and jackets, which I don't need.

Went into carrefour looking to buy some snacks for friends

After that, under Gloria's recommendation, I head to Dandan Hamburg, which is a fast food chain restaurant. She asked me to try their mee sua, which I did, and I liked it. Though I have to say, I still dislike using spoon to scoop noodles. 

On the way to green bean dessert, I stopped by at the flea market for plants, bought two packets of seeds for TWD100.

I had Green bean dessert (cold). It was cooling, considering the weather (around 12-1pm hot sun). Gloria suggested to pay a visit to their new public library, which I did, and sort of regret going because:
1) mostly chinese books
2) highlight of the library is their rooftop garden (Super hot)
3) nothing much besides that
4) had to walk there under the hot sun

Anyway, I stopped by at a second hand book store (Mollie's), saw some english books but the reviews weren't good so I did not buy.

Decided to walk to Sanduo station and head back to hostel to rest for abit.

Head to Yanchengpu. First thing: Buy Milk tea from Hua Da Nai Tea. I ordered Pu-er bubble milk tea, not sweet at all, can only taste milk, so not as nice as my first cup from them.

Walked around Pier 2's other side. Luckily for me, there's a flea market (maybe every Sunday they have one?),  walk around a bit, took some photos.


1) Postcard with tea inside the postcard. Very interesting, should have bought one. :( Initially I wanted to buy after walking around but I forgot about it :(

2) Taiwan 18 Days Beer. That is the name of the beer, at first, I thought it was some kind of limited edition beer. But actually its a normal standard beer, just that you have to consume it within 18 days (for its freshness). I have to say it taste really good :D

3) Chair Dome - interesting structure/art piece they have at the park

I walked past hamasen railway cultural park, which was beautiful. You do not usually see this as there usually have more trees in today's park. Think of an open wide spacious park which are covered in grass, but no trees. Like a big padang. 

Anyway, took the ferry to Cijin. It was too late. Lighthouse sudah tutup. I rushed to the fort side to see the sunset. I recorded it using time lapse (best way i think to take the sunset/sunrise). Wanted to fly my drone but I couldnt connect it (later I realised this was due to a manual setting I made to save data). :l

I walked back towards the old street/ main part of the city, tried their tomato with sauce (ginger, plum and soy sauce). this was  the bomb! I can have this as snack any time!

Bought a prawn cracker back cos it looks famous. That whole shop only sell crackers leh! 

Took ferry back, had snowflake and ice cream before calling it a night!

SooChing wanted me to buy tea but I couldnt find it.

Day 7
Woke up, dressed up, checked out, left my luggage. Returned to the hostel TWICE to take present and receipts for gloria.

Had egg pancake before heading to ecological district station. Was early so I waited for 30mins for her.. She reached in her scooter, and decided to take me around in her bike.

We went off to see the dragon and tiger pagoda and the lotus pond for a bit, before heading for tea.

Then she dropped me at a station and I went back to grab my luggage and head to the airport. Passed me a gift in a shape of a cup with my name and a bump on the bottom.

Bought some souvenirs, not sure I want it or give it as presents to others. Bought a wine which I sort of regret buying . not cheap leh!

Sat next to a big size guy whose arm overlapped to my space.

Day 3

Woke up around 430am the next day to get ready to go up the mountain to see the sunrise. It was chilly.

Uncle provide briefing. He was kinda funny. We got try some local plums. Each of us were given a plate so we can view the sun more clearly later.

The view was beautiful with the plate. Otherwise, without it, you will just see a lot of glares.
After 2-3mins, everyone started to disperse. We head to view the 2nd oldest tree (probably in Taiwan) and then head for Breakfast. I had some Porridge with egg, 2 cups of soy milk and 2 mantau.

Gloria decided to sleep in as she couldn't sleep last night. I went for a walk around the area. Walked,  crossed a bridge to chaoping Park. I think it is covered with cherry blossom trees but as this is not the season, there's nothing to see.

Wrote postcards to my sisters and dropped them off at the post office.

Back to hotel, check out. We dropped our luggage inside the car and head out for a walk (second round for me)

Train to chaoping. walk walk sister pond, various trees, shouzhen temple, sacred tree, chuyin temple, back to hotel area. the trees were big and old. It is cypress tree. We actually sat down for a bit at shouzen temple and snack on our yesterday's fruits (mango and guava).

It was raining when we were about to leave. Had 7-11's onigiri and yogurt. Gloria had instant noodle. It was kinda chilly due to the rain.

Alishan trip back. 4hrs to ks. Stopped by at dongshan town, bought soy sauce marinated chicken parts. Quite nice, the heart and intestines. Egg just so so. Helped gloria to drive for like 20mins I think.

Dropped me at zuoying, bought speed train to taipei for 1445twd. I just missed the 6:55 train so I have to wait for 7:55, which will reach taipei faster than 7:25 train. Reached taipei at 9:30.

Ate mos burger (soso nia green curry chicken). Slept most of the time in the train. It was dark so I could not enjoy the view. Reached taipei around 930, head out to my hostel. It was about 10mins walk. Space Inn. Checked in, quite cosy. Sharing dorm with two Hispanic ladies and one Jap or Korean guy.

Showered. Play with snapseed. slept

Saturday 19 August 2017

Day 4 taipei

First morning in taipei.

Ran from peace park to Tai power building mrt. Bought bubble milk tea from 50 blue and some local bread from local shop.

Showered and rest for bit, plan the day. Decided to meet Ruby then head to tourist center.

Met with Ruby, had beef noodle. I followed her order. It's the mix three types, fat, beef slices and tendon? Tripes?. Anyway, the fat was surprisingly good that I don't mind it.

Anyway, good catch up. Can't believe she is planning to leave to us to secure her PR /citizenship. Is good for her. Hehe

After that, I head to yu chocolatier. Tried the chocolate tart. OK nia. Normal. I couldn't really taste the bitterness as was told to me by the employee. The chocolate was not overly sweet and I enjoyed using their cutleries. Great service too!

Decided to climb Xiangshan, Yolo with my slippers. Was all sweaty N at the top after 25mins or so. The view was great! Worth coming definitely. Though pls be prepared ie shoes, attire. You will GET  sweaty!

Head back, rest bit before heading to ximenting. Stopped at snow King to eat funky ice cream. I only end up trying sticky rice and basil. They have more exotic ones like curry, beer, taro, chili.

Was thinking of buying hot star fried chicken at shimenting but didn't in the end. Thank God.

After sightseeing at xmt, head to ningxia. Ningxia was written as no frills, just food. I enjoyed my rice bowl.. Should have looked out for the lao sa bao. Saw a lenglui enjoying herself playing the games at the market. You can fish for prawns, throw hoops, shoot the balloon, sit down N play with machine. They even have the Mahjong tiles where I guess you play it like bingo. Not sure.

After ningxia I decided to visit shilin too. Saw the long queue for fried chicken. Had a sausage.

Day 5


Woke up. Packed. Checked out.

Had braised pork rice and another rice bowl (rice wrap) for Bfast. Head to shihfen using Google.

Reached. Hot. Crowded. Took some photos. Saw that this is the area where they light up the lanterns and fly it to the sky. Is that all? That was my thought at that time.

Was heading to shihfen waterfall when the lady in front of me asked a guy who was walking back from the waterfall for direction. The guy added that the view was....  disappointing. He shared his photos and it was OK. The waterfall looks normal, but perhaps it was not in season, whereby the water gushes down. I walked a bit more and decide to turn back too.

Took the next train back to taipei. Reached around 2pm. Met up with gloria for like 30mins,before I left to get my MI powerbank, tried the bubble tea Jojo recommended, I find it OK nia, the one in ks is better.

Talked to gloria about my silly trip to shihfen with no plans of getting a lantern. She asked me to go visit a temple near the station, which is meant for single people. Lol.

After bubble tea, went to buy kammos biscuits and collect luggage, head to hsr. Wanted to take hsr to see the view along the way, but was disappointed because it was overcrowded. Not only I couldn't see anything, I have no seat either. Thank God it was only a 1.5hr ride.

Tried some baked bun, taste like siew pao. Next, checked in, Showered, head off to. Ruifeng night market.  Tried angel fried chicken (super crispy), some jelly, taro milk + watermelon.

Head back to. Hostel..now waiting to charge phone and blog while waiting.

Thursday 17 August 2017

Day 2 ks & alishan

Kaohsiung morning, ate Porridge at hostel.  Waited for gloria but she ended up only able to meet at 12 so I Googled for places to sight see and ended up at Pier 2. I bought an umbrella and adlay and brown rice milk along the way to formosa station.

The art is OK, but freaking hot weather makes it unbearable. I was only there for like 30mins or so, with umbrella and a Chinese fan, yet when I was leaving I was soaking wet!

Anyway, gloria picked me up at zuoying station, we headed to Alishan. It was a big Ford car... We stopped at dong Shan resting area. Got Starbucks and I got a pork sausage.

The road up to Alishan is like genting or Cameron. Curvy and foggy. Quite dangerous.

We stopped by at fenchihu. It was a some village, main attraction is the train to chiayi and alishan. But they no longer operate the train to the mountains. We walked here for a bit. Saw the Wasabi plant, tried a chewy persevered​ egg. Tried a tree tomato juice and bought pink Guava and aiyu seed.

Managed to reached around 5/6pm.

We unpacked and left for dinner. Had hot pot.

After that we stopped at 7-11, bought a local Taiwan sweet beer, drank outdoor and chitchat.
Went back, shower, rest, sleep.

Oh,  apparently most of Taiwan were out of power.

Tuesday 15 August 2017

Day 1 KS, Tw


Rode on a motorbike. It was awkward I was the passenger. It's been more than 10yrs since the last time I was on a bike, so I felt kinda nervous and thrilling, like anything can happen ie accidents.

Street food. 10 wantan for NTD40. Apple juice + watermelon juice for NTD90. Cheap Cheap.

Had the most delicious milk tea and chewy bobas ever! At a mrt station. According to gloria it originated from her uni campus. It is local kaohsiung brand.

The hostel I am staying in has a hot spring. But I didn't go in. Too tired.

Monday 14 August 2017

Weekend, Liverpool and family

Saturday morning went hiking at Gasing. Tried a new route but turned back because it was less traveled and many mosquitoes.

Had rajus after that.

Went to the garden, place the cardboards from Ccw house.

At night watched Liverpool came back from a goal down to lead against Watford, but end up giving a late late goal to Watford. 3-3.

Sunday, packed for Taiwan, exercised when I woke up for the first time in some time. Had popiah and laksa.

Dinner with cousins at go noodle, followed by Fluffed!

Friday 11 August 2017


I dreamt about Alicia about a week ago. I was in Sydney for a visit and without thinking, I texted her to ask if she is free to meet up. Right after texting, I thought about all the consequences and how awkward it could be. :l

This is the first dream about her for a long time.

Hong Kong and Xiamen highlights of my trip

Travelled to HK with Brandon and sister on 1/8

Reached airport,  met with dad, parted ways with Brandon as he follow dad to kuma whilst sis and I check in.

The airbnb is OK, good location. We put our luggage, I changed my shirt cos too hot. Then we headed to kuma's.

First night dinner was with hin pek and ah chi's family.

Second day we went straight to kuma's house, and went off to dim sum lunch with bun wai. He brought us to his house after, which is a very isolated area. Helped him with his laptop and booked dad flight back to Aus.

Dinner with Vivian! Long time no c. She's pregnant already! Happy for her. :D we had Shanghai food.

Third day,  went to the peak, tried Yat lok duck (nothing great to shout about), ate Tai Cheong egg tart (Yums, but then again,  most of their egg tart s are Yums). Then headed to the Golden bauhuvia square,  the one with the golden flower, before taking the ferry back to Kowloon side.

Dinner we had Steamboat with bun wai,  hin pek and bun hor's family

Last day,  dad's not feeling well. Hin pek and wife came over, had chap fan downstairs for lunch and dinner.  Lol.  Bought Porridge for dad.  Visited Tsim sa Tsui N Kowloon Park. Visited kuma at the hospital. Bought a citizen watch for HKD2k. Ate local food ie tofu fa and bubble milk tea.

August 5-7 xiamen
Landed at Xiamen about 11am. Watched chips on the plane. Simple and funny movie. No expectation from these type of movie makes it easier to watch.

Checked in but could get into the room until 1.5+ hrs later.  Rested at the hotel while we wait for dad. Dad reached about 4+. Head to big uncle house right after. Ate Xiamen popiah and Porridge. That's our dinner and lunch. Went to gym with ah chi after that

Next day, tour around Xiamen on a hot morning. We had local breakfast, guided by aunty to the nearby shops. After tour, we went for a grand lunch. Included were Xiamen salted fried rice, oyster egg and sea worm.

On the way back to the hotel,  our Cousin's wife's brother took us to this place where the road looks uphill but it is actually downhill.

I believe the cause was the sea worm jelly. Had stomach ache the whole night till today as well.  :( but of course now is way better d.

Came back on 7/8,  picked up by Nizam
Called UMobile to request to reverse the charges. The customer service person is not able to do that and asked me to email, which i did. I some to another customer service person the best day and war tools they could not reverse the amount, even though I threaten to leave UMobile.

Wednesday 2 August 2017

Get 100mb free data if u register under my link below!

Download Flexiroam X now - you and I will both earn FREE DATA! http://roam.my/JOOYEE


Trip to sekinchan last week.

Picked up SC and head to Cady's house. Went to Chong Kok kopitiam. The queue for the nasi lemak was crazy long. We didn't order that, just took the packet one. In fact, I didn't order anything except milo ice. The girls, they ordered eggs, buns and nasi.

After breakfast we bertolak to sekinchan. 1.5hrs. We stopped at this nameless shop for rice. They serve rice with stingray and Prawn curry with egg. Super good!  Very tasty kuah/curry.

Then, we drove to the beach, managed to try out my drone! It was great but the freaking hot weather made me not want to be under the sun for too long. Cady and SC also thrw the coin with red ribbon of good wishes onto the wishing tree.

After that, we went to yumcha at n16, the bus. We didn't eat cos still full so we ordered drinks + cake. No view of pretty paddy cos it is not in season.

Then beli nasi from the paddy factory, before adjourning to a seafood restaurant. The food at the restaurant OK nia.

Head back to klang after that., damn tired driving! But the girls decided to go for cafe so we went to Bkt tinggi. Tried daily press cafe. It's quite fun cos they have Bg there for you to play too!

End up with shopping at mix convenience store before heading home. E

Saturday 22 July 2017

One week

Meetup with jasentha and Jolene as intermediary person.

Went to watch baby driver

Been crazy playing Xcom.

Sister came back. Played with my drone. The chips ahoy + Reeses cookies are so sinful!

Went for a CPA event. Advised uni students on their projects. Got free nasi lemak to  dinner.

Played badminton.

Monday 17 July 2017

popular posts

my popular posts. i think likely due to me naming some popular locations and restaurants.

dream vlog

we were at ccw's fictional house. got picnic bench area like a cafe and the toilet is like a long room with damn a long of deco art stuff

hmm i was shopping at a supermarket, bought some stuff, then when i wanted to send it to my car, i lost the trolley. i searched all around the "carpark", which became like a food court area. i asked hl to help and we went back to the supermarket to lodge a report. when we went back to the food court and search again, we found the bags were shelved. i cross checked the items against  my receipt. (i think this was funny part because i was actually counting the number of nuts i bought , one by one)

after that i think we are attending a class of some sort. someone is arranging the seating (one of the girls complained some of the seats are old. you see, they are cushions and you can see the colors faded). i was helping the event team to set up the queue barriers. dunno why :l maybe the girl quite pretty lol

anyway when it was time to get my seat, i didnt chose first and everyone went into their respective group. there was this pretty girl who whispered something but i  couldnt catch it. anyway i looked around and see where ks etc were seating. hl came into the room and got into his seat (the seats are on the sit and along the rows in the middle). and i woke up lol

Saturday 15 July 2017

Updates yawn!

It's been almost two weeks since I am back.


Played badminton three times, once with Cindy etc

Met with siuching and Cady. Cady is leaving to Indon. :(

Participated in a CPA networking event. Was interesting that the speaker is a PhD grad + comedian. Caught up with some. Ypn members. The tapioca kuih damn nice!

Went for touch n go event. Caught up with Amanda. Chairman received sponsor from TnG worth 15k.for the garden. Awesome work!

Had a dinner with some ypn peeps. Met and talked to Kristy for the first time, lay see's friend. Expensive though at oriental Pavillion. Sharmans wines were tasty!

Met with Cindy suyong Karen and munlee for badminton and dinner.

Started reading world war z. Enjoyed playing hard west. My fm Liverpool knocked out of group stage UCL in a group consist of ajax, Salzburg, n lyon. Shame !

Ran today for the first time in weeks!

Gained 4kg since back from Africa, now left 2kg to lose.

Tuesday 4 July 2017

Day 1 bck

Life feels usual.

Didn't eat much except chips, rice and soup and nestum

Played FM draft with Calvin hl and chew. Won Calvin 3-2, lost to hl 3-0 in finals.

Continue reading my burning wire.

Monday 3 July 2017



Nocturnal animals
Good story. About a writer who sent a manuscript to his ex.

Sky one (hk)
Meh starring Daniel wu

My ex and whys (Philippines)
Young couple love story. Relatable type.

Elle (French)
I guess it shows us how the culture of French could be like? Hmmm

Earlier Cape town


Breakfast. Ate less than the day before. More on the cold fiber food nia.

Cape point and hope. The journey took about 1hr 20mins.  The point is to see the crossover of the Indian and Atlantic Ocean. The difference are Indian are less rough,  warmer and darker than Atlantic. You can see the color difference..

Cape hope is where the rough sea is and used to be called the Cape of storms due to the many shipwrecks encountered at the location.

We went for Penguin sightseeing. Africa penguins. Looks damn grumpy. Many of them.

Bought some aloe products for friends' wives.

Rare stone shop.  Bought some smaller pieces for souvenirs. Damn cheap. Rand 1-2.

Diamond. Didn't buy anything  but it was interesting to see the two couples hustle and bargain for the best price. Lol.

Vietnam dinner. So so nia.

Went to gym for 30mins run.

Day before yesterday

Went up to Table Mountain,  super windy. The wind actually push me to one side. That's how strong it was. Spent about 1hr walking here and there. Took some nice photos. A guy's cap almost flew off. Lol. When we were leaving, the alarm actually rang because it was too windy.

Signal Hill. Shorter and lower hill but the hill have a good view of table mountain.

Malay quarter. Last time the Dutch bring the Malay back here and they have a designated quarter. As they are mostly illiterate, for posting services, they color their houses with different bright colors and will inform the postman to mail it to ie "the green house next to the blue house".

Seal cruise. So so nia

Shopping. A lot of clothing to buy but I think the pricing is about the same as Malaysia.

African dinner. This is very interesting. Range of different African countries' dishes. They have tapioca cheese bread, Dahl dipping, chicken, lamb stew, salad-ish vegetables (cold veges), fried fish and soup. Dessert was ice cream lol.

Cape town

Last day jor. Let's do a review from the back.

Today 1/7
Kanonkop vineyard. Did wine tasting. The local Cape Town wine is pinotage. I find it more on the blend side, not as flavorful as I like. One of the tour group fella bought the black label (costing about rm500+) to try. Tbh I find that OK nia. I like the Paul Sauer. It is quite fragrant and tasty too. I ended up buying a rose and pinotage, just to let the guys try.try. My personal favorite is the Paul Sauer and cabernet sauvignon.

After the wine tasting, we head to brandy tasting. The tasting comes with chocolate pairing. Brandy is not my poison so I didn't really enjoy it. We end up buying two moscato here for rand48 each.

Head for dinner after. Expensive dinner with beautiful scenery of the mountains and vineyard.   The appetiser is fish with chilli wanton followed by slow cooked pork belly.  Dessert is chocolate mousse. We ordered oyster too which is damn fresh! About rm16 each

Then we head to cheetah sanctuary. I didn't go in so I took photos from outside nia. Saw a three legged jackal. Like it a lot. Saw two big shepherd dogs.

Now we are heading for dinner.

Tuesday 27 June 2017


The next morning we went for Morning game drive. Prior to that we took a croissant and coffee/tea. Croissant was awesome!

During the drive, we manage to see 🦁s, impalas, elephants, giraffes, vulture, bald Eagle, a jackal hunting birds eggs while being harassed by the birds. We also saw from far hyenas and vultures feeding on a dead animal.

Also we saw how the impalas were staring at the lions' direction (even though the lions were far away). According to the guide, the bats sound to alert others about the lions' presence.

After game drive, we head back for breakfast, breakfast pancake = good. Bacon and pork sausage = good. English muffin = good.

Checked out and head to Crossing border to zimbabwe.

We rest for a bit before heading to the wet, wet Victoria falls. Wet cos the splash from waterfall flies up and turns into rain. We were all soaked.

Boma dinner. Local dinner.. Tried their mopani worm.  Crunchy like Ikan bilis.

Stars. Can see beautiful stars. Many bright stars. No cloud.


Game drive again. This time colder. Maybe cos of the wind and lack of hot drinks in the morning.

Saw giraffe, rhino and elephants up close. Saw zebra and baboons too.

Breakfast in the safari. Food was simple. But excellent.. (big breakfast)

Now waiting for heli ride. Will take us around Victoria falls and safari

Updated. The helicopter ride was awesome.! Get to see the gorge of the river and the waterfall again!

After helicopter ride we were taken to the market (didn't buy anything cos no small change)  before we head for lunch, which is fish n' chips in a hotel across kfc.. We stopped by at the town for a bit but nothing too special. Most of the gift shops were selling what they already have at the market earlier.

We went back and rest at the hotel, before heading for a river cruise. The boat was three tier and they serve unlimited alcohol. I had two beers (prefer zimbezi over castle light) and two red wines (cabsav better than merlot). Didn't see anything too wow at the river. Saw elephants and hippos.

Dinner at the hotel. Received surprise birthday cake. Too big too finish so shared with every one,  including the staff.

Crashed on bed until 12am. Lol.

Second day

So yesterday night, before heading to sleep, I visited the gym for a bit. Did some weights, rowing, followed by Pacific rim exercise. Was going for 24 mins run but stopped after 5 mins. Rest and balik

Morning started with awesome breakfast. Fruits, cereal, then big breakfast! Bacon and pork sausage were soooo good! The French toast was disappointing.

Head back to room to pack up and empty my body lol. Bus for 40mins or so. Now at airport waiting to fly to Kasane. Was considering to buy the Sapiens book but decided against it after checking with qmdj.

We reached the airport. Small immigration area. Then we took Jeep to the resort before we hop on river cruise.

Managed to sight see elephants, giraffe, water Buffalo, crocodiles, hippo, lizards, fowls, impalas, antelopes. 

Room to mosquito netting, but the toilet lock doesn't work and the balcony lamp is broken too. Good thing about botswana and zimbabwe is that they use the same power plug as Malaysia.

Sunday 25 June 2017

Weekly updates

Sunday 18/6
Lunch @kuriya with family

Tuesday 20/6
Badminton. Felt good with own performance. More in the 'zone'. Was late cos obsessed playing rotk11

Wed 21/6
Gathering with cousins for dinner. Ah boi koko, Sam, Joanne, ah leng and ah Mei jie2,  ah theng jie2,  Hs Jo and me.

Sam bought me a perfume.

We ate at red kettle. Quite good actually the food there. I ordered sausage pasta. Love the pork sausage and pasta, even though it was slightly too spicy.  After red kettle we went to Koi Kafe. Ordered bingsu. The ice shavings are very fine but milk based. Mochi nice also!

Thursday 22/6
Shopping. Ate at vege chap fan then visited atria and ecurve. At atria, bought running pants (to be used for swimming too), a skuff and hiking socks. I also bought travelling liquid containers and a box for storage (dead of winter,  pr or agricola). At ecurve, bought two Columbia shirt. Quite cheap I think if the quality is what it says. (breathable, wicking, waterproof wo.)

Garden Meeting at Cher seng house
Lunch with tseyee and ks at Kenny Hill bistro. Not bad also the food there. Coffee was good and the strudel too!

I am in afrika

Flew from. KL to Sg on Friday night.  Prior to that chilled at the lounge. Had some tid bits but the food is just so so. Drank malbec (red wine). In the plane they served sandwich.

Landed at sg and waited for an hour before headed into lounge because was waiting for free  coupon.

At lounge, had red wine shiraz, champagne and soup. Tried their cheese platter too! 😍 hot chocolate was yummy. Must be cos they put a lot of sugar.

Flew from. Sg to Johannesburg at 2am. On board services damn nice (business class, what else to expect). Had sandwich and dim sum. Didn't order other food in between.  Tried both their red wines. Cannot decide which one I like more. I think Italian was lighter and u can taste the sweetness of cacao.

I watched 2night (Italian),  alibi (French)  and tiramisu (italian). Enjoyable movies with I doubt I can find  the online at piratebay. 2night I'd about this girl picked up a guy at a bar and their journey throughout the night of finding a car park so they can go up to her house to make out. Alibi is about how this guy helps others create valid alibi to allow others provide them a. Getaway or meet their mistress. Last one is about a salesman so consumed in work and using his wife's tiramisu to influence his sales.

In Africa, visited three places already.

Football stadium. I

Sowento, Nelson Mandela's home and Héctor pieces on museum. Peterson is about a guy who got shot at the age of 12 by the police during the apartheid era.

After that, we went for lunch @ butcher Shop. The size of the meal is x2 for Asians. They served beef sausage and bread as Appetiser, followed with Greek salad platter.  The beef was okay (not bad) but too much.  The pap is like ketupat, tasteless, white colored starch.

After lunch we were delayed by 30mins due do some missing party members. Anyway after that we head to the cradle of human kind. We were rushing from here onwards so we didn't really enjoy as much as we could. Interesting moments: water in the cave covered with dusk on the water surface, teeth of the real fossil on display at maropeng, see the size of the foot of the ancient people.

We head to montecasino (our hotel /casino). Hotel is comfy, ate at lai-lai Garden (Chinese food). Food was okay but big portion. Couldn't finish. The other family that sat on our table, the daughter is only 20(looks older), studying finance. Lol

Head home after, did some steam updating.  Collected some stickers and badges.

Sunday 18 June 2017

Friday night

Makan with yp, mj and xin Rey? With hl.at ahhwa hokkien mee.

Inside scoop with tsuro with cm. Ccw hl nick dee and Tricia.

Afternoon met up with Jolene to discuss accounting stuff. Convinced her to outsource instead.

First run in weeks

Felt good!.  Ran to park then to Haji openg and back to park for one lap,  before heading home

Gonna do some. Packing later

Finish season 2fm. Bought donnaruma, chiellini, lemina. Sold studge, Lallana, mignolet, karius, matip, wijnaldum.

Yday spend the night with Cady dinner and dessert, pinjam her 3 books war of art, seasons in life and power of less.

Morning yesterday ma gotong royong lo. Then lunch with ks n sy. Owe him rm14

Friday night Mahjongg session with hl n nick. Loss rm11

June already

Recap of April and May APRIL  went out often with Yen Wei. It's unfortunate that things didn't work out  travelled to Yunnan: sight ...