Tuesday 26 September 2006

Q33 NY

If you don't know what I am talking about, its the plane's flightcode, the one that crash into Twin Towers in NY; according to those emails sent by ppl and friends... Not sure how true isit anyways.

But the cool part is that if you change the font to wingdings i think, you can see one plane and two blocks with a skull and a symbolic ritual.. i dunno what they call that shape... some devilish stuff la basically..

I dunno... its like the irony of the facts given from that email... how everything can be related to one another... its just gives me the goosebumps... lol..

Plus, if u guys dun rmb, there was another time about the US dollar bill, where they fold it into the picture of the twin towers in smokes...

What does all these means really? That its fated by 'God'? That everything was predicted right from the beginning? even before the united states become united states? haha... i dunt know...


Nick Khaw said...

It's not the Wingdings original version is it?

It could be a new version of Wingdings that came after September 11.

joeyk86 said...

ermm.. not sure..

but after i made the post i went and google the q33ny.. turns out to be hoax.. the flight code for those planes are all diff and there never was a place with the code starting with Q wor

qingming or cheng Meng

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